
Allows giving of a item with limited usage that shows a Pokémon's IV's and EV's

Primary LanguageJava


  • A very simple mod that allows you to give out an item that has limited usage and displays a pokemons IV's and EV's on use.
  • Requires Pixelmon Reforged or Pixelmon Generations

1.Commands and permissions

1.1 Commands

  • [] = optional <> = required
  • /ivchecker give [isUnlimited] (Gives specified username aka player the item. isUnlimited is a boolean flag in which case the item will never run out of uses)

1.2 Permissions

  • ivevchecker.command.ivevchecker (Main command)


# Define the item you want to use [default: minecraft:stick]

# Define the name of the item [default: &4IV/EV Checker]
S:itemName=&4IV/EV Checker

# Set's the maximum usage of defined item [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 10]

# Should the item only work on pokemon that are owned? [default: false]


  • Changing the Item in the config and restarting the server will make all previous items given out (assuming the item is actually different) invalid.
  • This mod is server side only. It won't work on client side.

Selling via shopkeeper

  • If you want to sell this item via a pixelmon shopkeeper you will need to edit the shopItems.json and add this in

    "id": "ivevchecker",
    "name": "minecraft:stick",
    "nbtData": "{display:{Name:\"§4IV/EV Checker\",Lore:[\"§5Usages left: §f10\"]}, ivevusage:10}",
    "itemData": 0,
    "buy": 5,
    "sell": 2
  • Replacing the name with the config value that you set in the config and Name:"§4IV/EV Checker with the itemName value, §5Usages left: §f10 (replacing the §f10 with §fmaxusagevalue (config value) and ivevusage:10 with ivevusage:maxUsage and setting every other value as you'd like.

  • Then add it to whatever shop keeper you desire by specifying the item name like so:

    "name": "ivevchecker"