Code for TRAK: Understanding Model Predictions at Scale

Primary LanguagePython

TRAK: Understanding Model Predictions at Scale



  • CUDA toolkit 11 + 7.5 <= GCC <= 10
  • CUDA toolkit 12 + GCC >= 7.5

A compatible combination can be installed with conda, but refer to the FAQ for faster/more customizable options.

conda install -c conda-forge gcc_linux-64==9.3.0 gxx_linux-64=9.3.0 cudatoolkit-dev
export CXX=x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-g++ CC=x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-gcc


Clone this repo, cd into it, and run

pip install -e .


Setting up TRAK scorer

from trak import TRAKer

model, checkpoints = ...
train_loader = ...

traker = TRAKer(model=model,

for model_id, checkpoint in enumerate(checkpoints):
  traker.load_checkpoint(ckeckpoint, model_id=model_id)
  for batch in loader_train:
      traker.featurize(batch=batch, num_samples=loader_train.batch_size)

Evaluating TRAK scores

from trak import TRAKer

model, checkpoints = ...
val_loader = ...

traker = TRAKer(model=model,

for model_id, checkpoint in enumerate(checkpoints):
  traker.start_scoring_checkpoint(ckeckpoint, model_id=model_id, num_targets=...)
  for batch in val_loader:
    traker.score(batch=batch, num_samples=loader_val.batch_size)

scores = traker.finalize_scores()


How to install nvcc (Cuda toolkit) ?

Version required: CUDA >= 10.0

Instructions (Pick one option):

  • Some machine might already have been setup with the coda toolkit. You can run nvcc in a terminal and check if it already exists. If you have a compatible version then you can proceed with the installation
  • If you are logged in an unversity/company shared cluster, there is most of the time a way to enable/load a version of cuda tookit without having to install it. On clusters using modulefile, the command module avail will show you what is available to you. When in doubt, plese refer to the maintainers/documentation of your cluster
  • Using conda: conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev
  • If you are root on your machine or feel confident with configuring the installation you can follow Nvidia instructions: https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-quick-start-guide/index.html

How to install GCC ?

Version required:

  • CUDA 11: 7.5 <= version <= 10
  • CUDA 12: version >= 7.5

Instructions (Pick one option):

  • Most Operating System come with gcc preinstalled. You can run gcc --version in a terminal to check if it's the case on your machine and which version you have. If you have a compatible version then you can proceed with the installation
  • Using conda
    1. Install gcc and g++: conda install gcc_linux-64==9.3.0 gxx_linux-64=9.3.0
    2. Enable the compiler before runing pip install: export CXX=x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-g++ CC=x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-gcc. This has to be done in the same terminal
  • If your operating ships with an incompatible compiler they usually let you install other version alongside what comes by default. Here is an example for ubuntu and gcc 10:
    1. Add repository: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
    2. Update list of packages: sudo apt update
    3. Download/install gcc 10: sudo apt install gcc-10 g++-10
    4. Enable the compiler before runing pip install: export CXX=g++10 CC=gcc-10. This has to be done in the same terminal