
Testing radio 1-2-3

Primary LanguageHaskell

Radiology grammar in GF

Small grammar with expressions about radiology.

Radiology.gf, and concretes Radiology{Eng,Est}.gf contain expressions like the following.

Radiology> l Pred (Right Kidney) (Desc2 (DescribePos Abnormal Location Abnormal_Location) (DescribePos (mm Num20) Size mm_Size))
right kidney's location is abnormal and size is 20 mm

ExtRadiology.gf does not contain new predicates, but instead new ways of presenting the information in Radiology. For instance:

right kidney's location is abnormal and size is 20 mm
Variants and translations:
↳ Eng: right kidney's location is abnormal and size is 20 mm
↳ Eng: right kidney's location isn't normal and size is 20 mm
↳ Eng: right kidney is with abnormal location and with 20 mm size
↳ Eng: right kidney is without normal location and with 20 mm size
↳ Est: parem neer on ebanormaalse asendiga ja 20 mmi suurusega
↳ Est: parem neer on ilma normaalse asendita ja 20 mmi suurusega

All of these variants have a different AST. The mapping between them (semantics-preserving transfer) is done in Transfer.hs.


  1. In the main directory, compile GF grammars into PGF:
gf -make grammars/Radiology*.gf grammars/ExtRadiology*.gf
  1. Run stack build


  1. Run stack run transfer
  2. When prompted "Write your sentence here", write either a sentence without quotes (e.g. heart's size is normal), or random.