
Chicken Scheme bindings for rocksdb

Primary LanguageScheme

RocksDB bindings for CHICKEN Scheme 5

Only a portion of the comprehensive RocksDB API is currently exposed. However, the API covered by this egg should hopefully get most projects started.

This egg has been tested on RocksDB 6.15 and 5.8.

An aim of this project is to expose the RocksDB API directly as much as possible. Some exceptions include rocksdb_open_for_read_only being embedded in rocksdb-open, rocksdb_iter_seek_to_first/last are available through rocksdb-iter-seek with symbol arguments, and naming conventions turning rocksdb_writebatch_create into rocksdb-writebatch.

Source Code

Hosted here.


[procedure] (rocksdb-open name #!key read-only (compression 'lz4) (create-if-missing #t) paranoid-checks (finalizer rocksdb-close)) => rocksdb-t

Opens database at path name, returning a rocksdb-t object. Setting read-only to a non-false value, will call rocksdb_open_for_read_only instead of rocksdb_open. This is useful as multiple OS processes may open a database in read-only mode, but only one may open for read-write.

finalizer can be specified here and in some other procedures below. It can be set to #f to allow for manual memory management, which can be faster in cases where there many objects are created. If finalizer is #f, you must remember to call the associated close/destroy procedure explicitly.

compression must be one of (#f snappy zlib bz2 lz4 lz4hc xpress zstd). Please see the C API for the remaining arguments.

[procedure] (rocksdb-close db)

Closes db. Calling this on a db which is already closed has no effect. This does not normally need to be called explicitly as it is the default finalizer specified in rocksdb-open.

[procedure] (rocksdb-put db key value #!key (sync #f) (wal #t))

Inserts an entry into db. key and value must both be strings or chicken.blobs.

For the remainding keyword arguments, please see the original C documentation.

Note that if you want to insert a large number of entries, using a rocksdb-writebatch may be faster.

[procedure] (rocksdb-iterator db #!key seek verify-checksums fill-cache read-tier tailing readahead-size pin-data total-order-seek (finalizer rocksdb-iter-destroy)) => rocksdb-iterator-t

Create a rocksdb-iterator-t instance which you can use to seek, and read keys and values from db.

seek, if present and not #f, will be passed to a call to rocksdb-iter-seek. You can specify 'first to initialize the iterator to the first entry, for example.

The finalizer argument works as in rocksdb-open, where you must call rocksdb-iter-destroy appropriately.

Plase see the ReadOptions in the C API documentation for the remaining arguments.

[procedure] (rocksdb-iter-valid? it)

Returns #t if it is in a valid position (where you can read keys and move it back or forwards) and #f otherwise. A newly created iterator starts before the first entry in the database where rocksdb-iter-valid? will return #f.

[procedure] (rocksdb-iter-seek it key)

Move it to the absolute position specified. If key is a string or chicken.blob, the iterator will be placed on the first entry equal to or after key. key may also be the symbols first and last to seek to the start and the end of the database respectively.

[procedure] (rocksdb-iter-next it)
[procedure] (rocksdb-iter-prev it)

Move it forward or backward one entry. Calling this when it is invalid has no effect.

[procedure] (rocksdb-iter-key it)
[procedure] (rocksdb-iter-value it)

Get the current key or value for it at its current position. These procedures will return #f if (rocksdb-iter-valid? it) returns #f, or strings otherwise.

The current implementation copies the foreign memory into a CHICKEN string may not be ideal for large values.

[procedure] (rocksdb-iter-destroy it)

Free the rocksdb_t structure held by this record. Calling this on an iterator that is already closed has no effect. It does normally not need to be called as it's the default finalizer specified in rocksdb-iterator.

[procedure] (rocksdb-writebatch #!key (finalizer rocksdb-writebatch-destroy)) => rocksdb-writebatch-t

Create a new rocksdb-writebatch object. A writebatch can hold key-value pairs temporarily, for later to be written to a database with rocksdb-write.

[procedure] (rocksdb-writebatch-put wb key value)

Inserts an entry into wb. key and value must be strings or chicken.blobs.

[procedure] (rocksdb-writebatch-clear wb)

Remove all entries in wb previously inserted by rocksdb-writebatch-put, making it available for re-use.

[procedure] (rocksdb-writebatch-destroy wb)

Free the wb object and its foreign memory. Calling it if wb is already destroy has no effect. This does not normally need to be called explicitly as it's the default finalizer specified in rocksdb-writebatch.

[procedure] (rocksdb-write db wb #!key (sync #f) (wal #t))

Write all the entries of wb into db, persisting them on disk.

For the keyword arguments, please see the C API documentation.

[procedure] (rocksdb-compact-range db start limit #!key exclusive change-level (target-level 0))

Run a database compaction, hopefully reducing the consumed disk space. start and limit are keys that specify the range of keys to run the compaction for. Both may be #f to specify all keys in the database.

Please see the original C API documentation for usages of the remainding keyword arguments.


(import rocksdb)
(define db (rocksdb-open "testing.rocks"))

(rocksdb-put db "key1" "value1")
(rocksdb-put db "key2" "value2")

(define it (rocksdb-iterator db seek: 'first))
(let loop ()
  (when (rocksdb-iter-valid? it)
    (print (rocksdb-iter-key it) "\t" (rocksdb-iter-value it))
    (rocksdb-iter-next it)

Please see the tests folder for more usage.


  • support snapshot in rocksdb-iterator
  • add the column family API
  • add the backup API
  • add the transaction API
  • add the merge API (hard, probably needs callbacks)
  • add support for custom comparators (hard, probably needs callbacks)
  • add the sstfilewriter API