
Generate Konacha spec infrastructure for your Ember-Rails apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ember Konacha generators for Rails

Generators to help setup an ember-rails app with konacha testing.


This gem has the stated goal of making it easy to setup a good testing infrastructure for testing your Ember-Rails apps.

An install generator is included for initial infrastructure setup!

Configures your Ember app with Konacha using a Javascript driver (poltergeist for PhantomJS by default). Adds the basic Konacha infrastructure so you can start writing tests/specs.

Can generate Konacha spec-skeletons for:

  • models
  • controllers
  • views
  • helpers

Please help provide more skeleton generators or improve the existing ones!!! :)

More generators

You can find more generators/scaffolders as part of ember-tools

ember-i18n-rails or here. Includes generators to configure and manage i18n with Ember and Rails.

Other Ember-Rails tools


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ember-konacha-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself (from rubygems) as:

$ gem install ember-konacha-rails

To see if the generators are installed:

$ rails g

Note: or use $ bundle exec rails g (to execute in context of current bundled environment)





Install basic Konacha infrastructure

$ rails g ember_konacha:install

Files that should be generated




Run examples

Clean run (default settings)

$ rails g ember_konacha:install
     gemfile  konacha
     gemfile  poltergeist
      create  spec/javascripts/spec_helper.js.coffee
      create  spec/javascripts/support/konacha_config.js.coffee
      create  spec/javascripts/support/sinon_mvc_mocks.js
Trying to download sinon.js (http://sinonjs.org/releases/sinon-1.6.js) ...      
      vendor  assets/javascripts/sinon.js
      create  spec/javascripts/app/store_spec.js.coffee
      create  spec/javascripts/app/router_spec.js.coffee
        gsub  app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee
      append  app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee

Note: poltergeist requires you have installed PhantomJS headless JS driver.

via Homebrew:

brew install phantomjs


sudo port install phantomjs

See https://github.com/jonleighton/poltergeist

Install generator was run previously

$ rails g ember_konacha:install
   identical  spec/javascripts/spec_helper.js.coffee
   identical  spec/javascripts/support/konacha_config.js.coffee
   identical  spec/javascripts/support/sinon_mvc_mocks.js
   identical  spec/javascripts/app/store_spec.js.coffee
   identical  spec/javascripts/app/router_spec.js.coffee
        gsub  app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee
      append  app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee

Now run Konacha!

$ bundle exec rake konacha:run

To run specs in browser

$ bundle exec rake konacha:serve
$ open http://localhost:3500

See more run options at https://github.com/jfirebaugh/konacha


Make sure that the following is at the end of your application.js.coffee file (or similar for pure javascript):

window.App = Ember.Application.create LOG_TRANSITIONS: true

# Defer App readiness until it should be advanced for either
# testing or production.

The basic test setup/configuration can be found in support/koncha_config.js.coffee and spec_helper.js.coffee files.

The spec_helper initializes the app explicitly using App.advanceReadiness() within Ember.run in the beforeEach closure. To run your app in the browser, while also allowing for testing, you need to explicitly call App.advanceReadiness(), f.ex when your DOM is ready.

$ ->

If you run the install generator with the --with-index option on, it will attempt to generate a standard application layout and index view file, with this all setup for you (using slim templating language!)

Install options

To see install options, run:

$ rails g ember_konacha:install --help

Note: To avoid having to bundle exec install the gem in your current system gem repository, use gem install ember_konacha (when this is an official gem!).

Guard Koncha config generator

To setup your project with Guard and execute koncha specs whenever your javascript assets change (default driver: poltergeist)

$ rails g ember_konacha:guard

To specify a specific js driver (selenium or webkit):

$ rails g ember_konacha:guard --driver wekbkit

Generate Controller spec

Use the --type or -t option to specify type of controller (will try to auto-determine otherwise)

$ rails g ember_konacha:controller_spec login -t base


$ rails g ember_konacha:controller User --type object


$ rails g ember_konacha:controller_spec Users -t array


$ rails g ember_konacha:controller_spec Users

Will autodetect that users is a plural form of user and assume you have an array (resource) controller.

$ rails g ember_konacha:helper_spec persons 

Will generate an object controller, since persons is not a valid plural form!

Generator options

--ext Script language to generate, javascript or coffeescript (coffee is default)

--ext es (ECMA script) or --ext coffee are both valid.

Note: Any other value than coffee will resolve to javascript.

Generate Model spec

$ rails g ember_konacha:model_spec user


Generate View spec

$ bundle exec rails g ember_konacha:view_spec NewUser


Generate Helper spec

Generate javascript Helper

$ rails g ember_konacha:helper_spec gravitation --ext javascript


Sinon notice

The install generator will attempt to download sinon.js, first via httparty and then try via curl. On any exception it will fall back to just copying sinon-1.6.0.js.

Read more on [http://sinonjs.org/] for mocking, stubbing and creating test spies ;)

Application structure

A proposed Ember App structure is included for reference.


An Ember::ResourceController module is now included, which contains utility methods for setting up the Controller actions to respond wth JSON resources. To use it:

require 'ember/resource_controller'

class User
  include Ember::ResourceController

  # optional: overrides auto-detection via Controller name convention
  resource :user

Generates controller actions methods:

class UsersController
  def index
    render_json users

  def show
    render_json user

  def destroy    
    render_json user.destroy

  def update        
    render_json user.update(user_params)

  def create    
    render_json user.save


Please help make it easier for developers tp get started using Test Driven Development (or BDD) for Ember with Rails.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Note: This gem could really use some specs ;) Please help out!