# GPT-teamwork

GPT agents acting as a team, each agent with a distinct role, working on a project collaboratively, sharing output using queues.

1. AI team

Prompt engineering examples and experiments for the AI engineering team can be found in the folder



Please write an App component with a header, footer, left sidebar, right sidebar and top menu with navigation to sub pages. The page should have a React Router with an Outlet to display each page routed to.

Each component should be placed in a separate file. Make sure that any component or functionality that is reused in multiple components is extracted into its own file and referenced. 

2. Quick start

The apps and agents are started using PM2

The agents and apps to start is configured in the ecosystem.config.js file in the project root.


pnpm run -r install


pnpm run -r build

To start the project (web server and all agents) simply run:

pm2 start ecosystem.config.js

To interact with the system and kick things off:

node start/cli

3. Project Design

This project is designed as a PNPM workspace.

See Managing a full-stack, multipackage monorepo using pnpm

4. Workspaces

The workspaces are:

  • agents
  • apps
  • libs
  • start

See Setup a monorepo with pnpm & add Nx for speed

Run a npm command on a single workspace

pnpm run --filter @gpt-team/phases build

Build all packages in the workspace

pnpm run -r build

You can parallelize the run by using --parallel

Add a package to the ai workspace

pnpm add --filter ai openai

4.1. Run commands with Nx

Build ai workspace

npx nx build ai

Build all

npx nx run-many --target=build --all

4.2. Start

The start folder will include various ways to start/intertact with the system.

Currently start includes a cli project which lets you input the title and description for a project which is sent to the server projects endpoint via a POST request (axios).

4.3. Apps

The apps folder contains one or more apps. The server app runs a web server with one or more endpoints which are the entry points for the end user (client) to communicate with the GPT team.

The endpoint takes the incoming project description and puts it on a queue.

4.4. Agents

The agents folder contains a number of agents. Each agent should be designed with prompts to pursue specific goals depending on the team role.

Each agent:

  • can subscribe to any queue on the AMQP channel.
  • can use OpenAI or any other method to generate outputs
  • should share their output with the rest of the team on an output queue

Current agents:

  • @gpt-team/ui-agent with responsibility to deliver UI functionality
  • @gpt-team/api-agent with responsibility to deliver API functionality
  • @gpt-team/fs-writer with responsibility to extract file info from deliverables and write to file system

One of the primary goals of each agent is to create deliverables that can be written to the file system as project artifacts.

Output that is a deliverables should be marked with [-DELIVERABLE-]. The fs-writer agent will recognize this marker and use it to parse the output for file info and write the file to disk.

This could further be expanded to include writing files to local and remote git repos etc.

4.5. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The SDLC for any sub/team or engineer is roughly as follows:

  • analysis
  • design
  • development & testing
  • deployment

Each agent can define a phases folder with a phase-order.yaml file. The phases folder should contain one folder per phase, such as analysis.

5. Phase folder instructions

The particular phase folder such as analysis should have

A goal.md describing the goal of that phase for the particular agent (to be fed as first input to AI).

There should also be a phase-tasks folder with a folder for each type of task, such as use-cases The phase-tasks folder should have a task-order.yaml files which outlines the order of tasks to be performed.


- [requirements, features]
- user-personas
- user-stories
- story-boarding

5.1. Parallel tasks

If tasks can be performed in parallel you can put several task names for an item, such as [requirements, features] (not yet supported)

5.2. Task processing

The agent will process tasks in phase and task order to eventually create deliverables. For a UI agent this may include use case diagrams, user stories, design system description and UI/UX code etc.

To load the phases and tasks use the tooling in @gpt-team/phases under the libs/phases folder.

Each phase task is a folder (by default) which can have:

  • one or more text files used as AI prompts
  • config.yaml file with details for how to run this task

The config may include

  • User inputs: User prompts to ask the user to feed additional information
  • channel info: subscribe and publish channels
  • What to output:
    • name such as use cases
    • type ie. diagram, code, documentation, ...
    • format
    • etc.

In general, the only major step left in this design is to implement the proper step logic leveraging the phases/tasks architecture.

5.3. Shared Libs

The libs folder contains functionality that can be reused across agents and apps.

The @gpt-team/channel library contains messaging channel functionality, including shared configuration (currently just a list of queue names).

The @gpt-team/ai library contains AI functionality (currently from GPT-engineer).

The @gpt-team/db library contains DB functionality to maintain AI context, logging etc.

5.4. Channels

Currently the following channels are available

  • all for messages to be made available to all (broadcast)
  • architect for architecture tasks
  • product for product tasks
  • project for project info and tasks
  • ui for general UI/UX tasks
  • frontend for general FE tasks
  • backend for general BE tasks
  • devops for DevOps tasks including CI/CD and deployment configuration
  • api for API tasks
  • services for service tasks
  • db for DB/storage related tasks
  • deliverables for deliverables
  • status to monitor and check product status

5.5. Tests

The tests folder may include E2E tests in the future.