
Extension to graphSchemaToJson to write schema object back to typedef string or TypeScript source file

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GraphQL schema JSON Writer

Extension to graphSchemaToJson to write the schema generated from a GraphQL type def to various outputs:

  • Typescript source files
  • GraphQL type def files

Also includes accessor functionality to better work with the schema object generated.


  Person: {
    fields: {
      name: {
        type: 'String',
        directives: {},
        isNullable: false,
        isList: false
      age: {
        type: 'Int',
        directives: {
          range: {
            min: 0,
            max: 130
        isNullable: false,
        isList: false
      gender: {
        type: 'Gender',
        directives: {},
        isNullable: false,
        isList: false
    directives: {},
    type: 'Object',
    implements: []
  Gender: {
    fields: ['male', 'female'],
    directives: {},
    type: 'Enum'


import { schemaToJS } from "../src/schema";
import { accessor } from "graph-schema-json-writer";
const { schemaByType, filteredSchema } = accessor;
/// ... generate JSON schema
const jsSchema = schemaToJS(schema);

// schema where all entries with keys starting with __ are filtered out
const filteredMap = filteredSchema(jsSchema);

// soreted by type
const typeMap = schemaByType(jsSchema);
    Object: {
        Person: {
            // ....
    Enum: {
        Gender: {
            // ...


import { schemaToJS } from "../src/schema";
import { writer } from "graph-schema-json-writer";
const { writeToTypeDef } = writer;
/// ... generate JSON schema
const jsSchema = schemaToJS(schema);

// schema where all entries with keys starting with __ are filtered out
const typeDef = writeToTypeDef(jsSchema);

Should output the (original) GraphqL type def, nicely formatted:

type Person {
  name: String!
  age: Int! @range(min: 0, max: 130)
  gender: Gender!

enum Gender {

Writing typescript source files

The writer also supports writing a TypeScript class, complete with:

  • extends class
  • implements interfaces
  • decorators for class itself and fields and properties
    • imports for the decorators, interfaces and class extended
import { schemaToJS } from "../src/schema";
import { writer, createClass } from "graph-schema-json-writer";
/// ... generate JSON schema
const jsSchema = schemaToJS(schema);
const classType = createClass(jsSchema);

const importsMap = {
  Range: "class-validator",
  BaseEntity: "typeorm",
  Entity: "typeorm"
const body = classType.writeClass("Person", jsSchema.Person, {

Output a TypeScript class with decorators

import { BaseEntity, Entity } from 'typeorm';
import { Range } from 'class-validator';

class Person extends BaseEntity {
  name: string

  @Range(min: 0, max: 130)
  age: number

Writing source files

Use the SourceFile class to write source files to disk:

import { createSoureFileWriter, importsMap } from "graph-schema-json-writer";

// include typical import maps, such as for typeorm and class-validator
const myImportsMap = {
  // ...custom additions or overrides
const writeOpts = {
  importsMap: myImportsMap,
  srcFileDir: fs.join(__dirname, "db/model"),
  only: ["Person", "Gender"],
  enumRefs: true, // resolve enumRefs using importsMap
  // classRefs true, // resolve classRefs using importsMap
  validate: true // validate that each const reference has an entry in importsMap

const srcFileWriter = createSoureFileWriter(writeOpts);
await srcFileWriter.writeTypeDefs(jsSchema, writeOpts);
await srcFileWriter.writeIndexFiles();

Files written, assuming __dirname is /src, using default flat strategy:


Using defaults:

import { writeTypeDefs, importsMap } from "graph-schema-json-writer";
// ...
await writeTypeDefs(jsSchema, {
  importsMap: importsMap.all,
  srcFileDir: fs.join(__dirname, "db/model"),
  strategy: "type-folder",
  only: ["Person", "Gender"],
  index: true // also add index files

Files written using type-folder strategy:


Note: The SourceFileWriter has not yet been fully tested and could use some futher refactoring. It should include enough building blocks for you to compose a solution to fit your needs ;)

Imports map

Imports maps now have support for aliases

importsMap = {
  range: { name: "Range", importPath: "validator" }

Will result in an aliased import:

import { Range as range } from 'validator';

Use cases

This class writer could be used for writing classed for TypeORM, NestJS or TypeGraphQL etc.

Note that the class writer supports passing decorators in place of directives.
