
A ruby code traverser DSL for finding and traversing ruby code as an object model using a nice DSL - uses ripper2ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Ruby code Query and Manipulation language

This Ruby DSL enables querying, traversing and manipulating Ruby code using a nice Rubish DSL.

  1. First parsing the ruby code into an object graph using ripper2ruby
  2. Query the graph to find the code constructs of interest using the Query API
  3. Manipulate the code constructs using the Manipulation API

This project is a DSL layer on top of ripper2ruby which again is on top of ripper which comes with ruby 1.9. Ruby 1.9 is therefore a requirement!

See the unit tests in the test directory for examples of use.

See the Wiki for more details.


  • Ruby 1.9
  • ripper2ruby >= 0.0.2

Ruby code Query API

See Query API

  • find(type, name, options, &block)
  • inside (alias for find which requires a block argument)

The following symbols are supported [:module, :class, :variable, :assignment, :call, :block, :def]

Manipulation API

See Manipulation API

The insert and update API support blocks and always returns the updated or inserted node


  • insert(position, code, &block)


  • update(:select, :with, &block)
  • update(:select, :with_code, &block)
  • update(:value, &block)

Supports updating

  • arguments (for method calls, block and method definitions)
  • assignment values (for assignments)

Argument find for update

  • by position (fx :arg => '#1')
  • by key name (fx :arg => :src)
  • by value (fx :arg => 'blip')

Note: Update needs some polishing and is still a little buggy!


  • delete

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Next version of API

Since this API was designed I have completely redesigned a new API and ideas for the code required for it to work. The new API uses actions:

  • SearchAction - returns SearchResult
  • FilterAction
  • UpdateAction (composite of Delete and Insert actions)
  • DeleteAction
  • InsertAction
  • CreateAction

Actions are executed on either

  • Node
  • NodeSet (composite of Node - Enumerates notes)

Node operations:

node.find(select).where(filter) node.find(select).where(filter).limit(number) # limit: first, all

node.update_with(node to update with) node.append(node to append) node.prepend(node to prepend) node.delete

NodeSet operations:

nodeset.find(select).where(filter) nodeset.find(select).where(filter).limit(number) # limit: first, all

nodeset.update_with(node to update with) nodeset.append(node to append) nodeset.prepend(node to prepend) nodeset.delete


Copyright (c) 2010 Kristian Mandrup. See LICENSE for details.