Playwright -- testing of Redmine

Table of Contents

  1. Summary of Repo
  2. Requirements
  3. Steps to Install
  4. Steps to Launch
  5. Steps to Creating the Report

Summary of Repo

This repository contains automated test cases for Redmine implemented using Playwright. The allure-report: The pipeline for the optional task is available in the additional branch.


  • Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed.
  • Playwright: Install Playwright by running npm install playwright.
  • Java: (JRE 8 or higher).
  • Allure Framework (v2.15.0 or higher).
  • Other dependencies: Check the package.json file for additional dependencies.

Steps to Install

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd playwright-task-2
  1. Install project dependencies:
npm install

Steps to Launch

  1. Run tests using headless mode:
npm run test
  1. Run the automated tests using Playwright with UI:
npm run test-with-ui

Steps to Creating the Report

  1. Generate Allure report:
npm run generate-allure-report
  1. Open the Allure report in a browser:
npm run open-allure-report