CourseraCast Legacy Codebase
This repo contains the source code for CourseraCast, an Android app that at one time allowed users to log in to their Coursera account and cast lecture videos to their Chromecast device. At the time of CourseraCast's release Coursera did not have an Android app & I really wanted to cast my lecture videos to my Chromecast so I cobbled this together.
Sadly, Coursera has recently made changes to the security of their website that have rendered CourseraCast useless. That being said, I chose to take CourseraCast down from the Google Play market. Additionally, Coursera does not offer an open API that would enable the functionality CourseraCast requires, but maybe this will change someday...
NEVER FEAR!! Coursera has since released their own Android app and has added Chromecast support. Please download and support their app and service if you're looking to cast your Coursera lectures to your Chromecast.