
Prepares a report of all GitHub issues closed for a set of repositories over a given timeframe. The resulting report is segmented by week.

Primary LanguagePython

Closed GitHub Issues Report

The purpose of this script is to prepare a report of all GitHub issues closed for a set of repositories over a given timeframe. The resulting report is segmented by week.

Example Report Output: https://gist.github.com/kristinpeterson/a97543e792ed82d9ba1a7adc366e1eba

How to specify which repositories to include in the report

Create a file called repos.json and store it in the root of the project, see repos.sample for an example. Each library is represented as a JSON object with the following structure:

  "name": "repo-name",
  "owner": "repo-owner"


A GitHub access token from an account that has PULL access to the target repositories must be created.

  1. Go to: https://github.com/settings/tokens
  2. Generate an token with access to the following scopes: repo and public_repo
  3. Make a copy of settings.sample and rename to settings.txt
  4. Assign the access token created in step 2 to github_access_token in settings.txt, Example:


See requirements.txt for dependency list. I suggest using virtualenv to manage your dependencies.


  1. Confirm that the repos listed in repos.json are accurate
  2. Run the script from the root directory of the project:
python main.py <report_weeks> <report_start_date> <report_end_date>

Command line arguments:

  • report_weeks (required) number of weeks to include in the report
  • report_start_date (required) start date of report formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (Monday)
  • report_end_date (required) end date of report formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (Sunday)