
A tool for reading binary FOF files and ingesting them into a database using adrpar's DBIngestor library.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This code uses the DBIngestor library (https://github.com/adrpar/DBIngestor) to ingest Friends-Of-Friends (FOF) catalogues into a database.

It assumes that these catalogues come in the binary format used by Stefan Gottlöber. Thus it is very specific, but can serve as an example for how to use the DBIngestor library and write your own binary reader.

The code is based on the HelloWord program delivered with the DBIngestor.

For any questions, please contact me at Kristin Riebe, kriebe@aip.de

Data files

The FOF catalogues were created by Stefan Gottloeber, who applied his FOF algorithm to find groups of connected particles for a given linking length to cosmological simulations. These FOF groups resemble something similar to dark matter halos, but no bounding criterion is applied. For more information on the basic method, see Davis et al. 1985 (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1985ApJ...292..371D) and for a description of the applied version, see Knebe et al. 2011 (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011MNRAS.415.2293K).

The files were written with Fortran, option "unformatted", but direct access so each record is wrapped by a leading and trailing (4 byte) integer.

Each binary file is usually accompanied by an ascii-header file (...info), which contains all the information about boxsize, redshift, etc. FofIngest won't read this file, but expects you to provide the necessary information as command line arguments. See FofReader.cpp for options (or use the help flag) to get a list of options.

A data file structured as follows:

  • one row per FOF group, containing following columns (4 byte int or 4 byte float each):
Name Type Description
lkl int number of particles
iadr int
rc1 float x coordinate
rc2 float y coordinate
rc3 float z coordinate of position in cosmological box
vc1 float velocity components
vc2 float
vc3 float
total_mass float mass of all group particles
xv1 float components of angular momentum vector
xv2 float
xv3 float
xlambda float can be used to calculate the spin parameter
disp float dispersion
vdisp float velocity dispersion
root1 float eigenvalues
root2 float
root3 float
vol8 float spherical volume corresponding to FOF group
delta float overdensity (mass/volume) in terms of background density
e_kin float kinetic energy
vect[9] 9*float eigenvectors of inertia tensor
ispecies[6] 6*int number of particles per species, for dark matter only: ispecies[1...5] = 0

and two additional Fortran-specific integers.


  • Read given datafile and ingest the data as following columns into a database table: (see Fof_SchemaMapper.cpp)
Database column Derived from file column
np lkl
x,y,z rc1, rc2, rc3 (shifted to box-range, if negative)
vx,vy,vz vrc1, vrc2, vrc3
mass total_mass
angmom_x xv1
angmom_y xv2
angmom_z xv3
angmom sqrt(xv1xv1 + xv2xv2 + xv3*xv3)
disp disp
disp_v vdisp
axis1 root1
axis2 root2
axis3 root3
delta delta
axis1_x,... vect[0:2]
axis2_x,... vect[3:5]
axis3_x,... vect[5:8]
snapnum [from command line parameters]
level [from command line parameters]
NInFile [row number in file]
fofId [snapnum*10+level)*idfactor + NInFile; idfactor from command line]
ix,iy,iz [floor(x/box*ngrid); box and ngrid from command line]
phkey [0, must be calculated database-wise]
size pow(vol8/(4./3*3.1415136), 0.333333)
spin derived from xlambda

phkey = Peano-Hilbert key for the grid cell in which the particle is located,
is just filled with 0's, values can be updated via the database server using e.g. libhilbert (https://github.com/adrpar/libhilbert)

  • If swap=1 is given, values will be byteswapped
  • Accepts parameters startRow and maxRows for jumping to the specified row and reading only a certain (contiguous) chunk of rows.




An example data file and create-table statement are given in the Example directory. Data can be ingested with a command line like this:

FofIngest/build/FofIngest.x -s mysql -D TestDB -T FOF -U myusername -P mypassword -H -O 3306 -M 50 -a 0.5 -l 2 -b 1000 -n 100 -g 1024 -i 5 -m 20 -I 1.e6 -d fof_example.DAT

Replace myusername and mypassword with your own credentials for your own database.

The possible options are:
-s: type of database (e.g. mysql, unix_sqlsrv_odbc)
-D: database name
-T: table name
-H: host
-O: port
-d: data file
-M: snapshot number (snapnum)
-a: expansion factor
-l: level
-b: boxsize
-n: min. number of particles in FOF group; NOTE: code assumes that FOF-groups are sorted by np in decreasing order, will stop reading if number of particles falls below this minimum
-g: grid cells for ix,iy,iz, per dimension
-i: start at this row
-m: read at most this number of rows
-I: idfactor for fofId calculation

NOTE: One can also use -R 1. This would try to resume the connection, if something fails. But then be careful and check later on if all rows were ingested and contain meaningful values. Erroneous rows must be deleted manually. Missing rows can be inserted using startRow and maxRows. That's quite fast, since the reader will just jump to the correct position. Finding out which rows are missing takes the most time here.

The database table could have been created like this (see also Example/createfoftable-mysql.sql):

mysql> use TestDB;

create table FOF (
    fofId bigint not null,      
    snapnum smallint not null,  
    `level` smallint not null,      
    NInFile int not null,        
    x float not null,
    y float not null,
    z float not null,
    vx float not null,
    vy float not null,
    vz float not null,
    np int not null,                
    mass float not null,
    `size` float not null,              
    disp float not null,
    disp_v float not null,
    delta float not null, 
    spin float not null,
    angMom_x float not null,
    angMom_y float not null, 
    angMom_z float not null,
    angMom float not null,
    axis1 float not null,
    axis2 float not null,
    axis3 float not null,
    axis1_x float not null,
    axis1_y float not null,
    axis1_z float not null,
    axis2_x float not null,
    axis2_y float not null,
    axis2_z float not null,
    axis3_x float not null,
    axis3_y float not null,
    axis3_z float not null,
    ix int not null,
    iy int not null,
    iz int not null,
    phkey int not null

An example data file is also given in the Example directory.