
WordPress on Docker is a project that aims to provide a simple architecture and deployment solution for running WordPress on HTTP-3 on a production server using Docker.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

WordPress on Docker and HTTP-3


WordPress on Docker is a project that aims to provide a simple architecture and deployment solution for running WordPress on HTTP-3 on a production server using Docker. It is a very technical project, with a lot of technologies, but it provides you with the flexibility to fine-tune every aspect of the solution if you need it. It's designed with the development process in mind, to make it easy for a single developer or a small team, to develop, deploy, and maintain this project in the long run.

I could have just paid for a managed WordPress solution, but I'm the kind of guy who likes to learn and build stuff. And while I have learned a lot from building this project, I have also had a lot of fun.

Feel free to submit improvements as Pull Requests. For sure this project can be improved further.

Don't like reading, want some action, jump to: Setup procedure

Conceptual design

Check out the conceptual design here: Conceptual Design to understand the big picture.

Prerequisite for running this project in production

  • Have a Virtual machine somewhere
    • create a user for that machine.
    • configure ssh for that user.
    • install docker on that machine.
    • install docker compose on that machine.
    • login in your docker hub account in order to pull images (if the repository is private).
    • crate a /workspace directory and make it owned by the current user.
  • Have a domain name
    • Configure domain name dns to point to the IP address of your virtual machine.
  • Have an SSL certificate valid for that domain
    • you need to have both the certificate and the private key.
  • Have an AWS account
    • create a s3 bucket with your domain name.
    • create aws credentials to read/write from that s3 bucket.
  • Have a Docker Hub account
    • create a private repository for your domain.

Costs for running this project in production

Costs will vary depending on the provider, and the machine specs but here is what currently I pay for mine:

  • Virtual machine: 6 euro/month (4 cores, 8 GB Ram, 200 GB (100% SSD), Unlimited BandWith). 78$/year
  • Domain name: 15$/year.
  • SSL certificates: 13$/year.
  • S3 storage: free, by using the free tier.
  • Docker hub: free, by using only one private repository.

Total: ~106$/year, which in my opinion is a good price, the average price for a managed dedicated VM WordPress(4 cores, 8 GB Ram) is ~700$/year.

Conscious design decisions

  • In docker hub, I have saved all my images in one private repository and separated them by tag, and names.
    • kristogodari/private-repo:kristogodari.com-database
    • kristogodari/private-repo:kristogodari.com-webserver
    • where private-repo is my repository name, and kristogodari.com-database is the tag name.
    • This might not be the optimal solution, but it works perfectly fine, since i don't want to pay for docker repositories, and don't want to expose my docker images publicly.
    • Anyway, if your situation is different, feel free to change this.
  • In S3, we have the following bucket structure:
    • /domain-name.com
      • backups
        • webserver
          • webserver-backup.tar
        • database
          • database-backup.tar
    • During backup, the existing backup is overridden by the new backup. I decided to do this for two reasons:
      • I did not have a need to keep a history of backups, but I am always interested having the latest backup.
      • Backup is done daily, and the space can grow very quickly, if you are not careful, and amazon will start to charge you.

Project structure explained

  • cicd - continuous integration and continuous delivery
    • build
      • docker compose files used to build the images
      • env files, used to provide variables to docker compose
    • deploy
      • common
        • common files for both deployments
        • docker compose files to start docker containers
        • common env variables, used to provide variables to docker compose
      • local
        • environment variables used to deploy locally
      • production
        • environment variables used to deploy in production
      • scripts to build and deploy
  • docs
    • documentation files
  • src - source code files for building containers
    • backup - backup container
    • database - database container
    • database-admin-ui - database admin ui container
    • restore - restore container
    • webserver - webserver container
      • cert - ssl certificates
        • folder will be copied inside container
      • config - webserver configuration files
        • folder will be copied inside container
      • sites - website files
        • folder will be copied inside container
  • util-scripts
    • docker
      • util scripts for managing containers
    • restore-backup
      • docker compose files for starting the restore container
      • env variables for restore container
      • scripts to start the restore container


  • This projects comes with the WordPress version 6.1.1.
    • However, if another version is needed, this can be easily done by placing all files under the src/web-server/sites/${sitename.com}/html folder.
    • Just make sure that wp-config.php and .htaccess are set up properly
  • This project is not restricted to WordPress, any web project can run with this.
    • The only restriction is given by Litespeed webserver. Check what is supported on the official website: https://openlitespeed.org/
  • You can customize almost any aspect of this project, by modifying the appropriate files.

Setup procedure

  • Clone this project locally, and open it in an IDE
  • Search and replace in all the files and folders (except Readme files) in this repo for:
    • ${sitename.com} -> replace this with your site name ex: kristogodari.com
    • ${mysql-root-password} -> your desired mysql root password
    • ${mysql-user} -> your desired mysql user
    • ${mysql-password} -> your desired mysql password
    • ${litespeed-admin-user} -> your desired admin user
    • ${litespeed-admin-password} -> your desired admin password
    • ${aws-access-key} -> your aws access key
    • ${aws-secret} -> your aws secret for access key
    • ${docker-hub-repository}-> your docker hub, private repository ex: username/general-private
    • ${ssh-server-ip} -> The ip of your production virtual machine.
    • ${ssh-user} -> SSH user that will be used to connect to your production virtual machine.
    • ${ssh-key-phase-phrase} -> SSH phase phrase if your ssh key is set up with key protection.
  • Ssh keys
    • Put your own ssh private key at: cicd/deploy/production/ssh/ssh-key
    • Put your own ssh public key at: cicd/deploy/production/ssh/ssh-key.pub
  • SSL certificates
    • Put your own ssl certificate at: src/web-server/cert/webadmin.crt
    • Put your own ssl certificate key at: src/web-server/cert/webadmin.key
  • Folder renaming
    • Rename src/web-server/config/vhosts/${sitename.com} folder with your site name ex: kristogodari.com
    • Rename src/web-server/sites/${sitename.com} folder with your site name ex: kristogodari.com
  • wp-config.php and .htaccess (only if website is WordPress)
    • copy docs/wordpress/.htaccess to src/web-server/sites/${sitename.com}/html
    • copy docs/wordpress/wp-config.php to src/web-server/sites/${sitename.com}/html
      • make sure you replace variables like ${sitename.com}, ${mysql-user}, ${mysql-password} as well.
  • Build project
    • change directory to cicd folder, and run build.sh
  • Run project
    • change directory to cicd folder
    • run deploy.sh local to deploy locally
  • Change hosts file
    • Change /etc/hosts file and add the following line domainname.com
  • Access website locally
    • Open domainname.com in web browser
  • Deploy on prod
    • run deploy.sh prod to deploy in production
    • Change /etc/hosts file and comment the following line domainname.com


  • Backups are set up to run daily at 05:04 in the morning. You can change this in the src/backup/crontab file.
  • Backup is done only if you deploy with the "prod" profile. If you test locally, backup will not work, since deployment is done with the "local" profile.
    • This is intentional since I ended up overriding the production backup a couple of times, with my local work.
    • If you need to back up local work, you need to do this manually. Just login to docker container and run backup.sh script.
  • Sometimes you develop locally, and have the latest version of your data locally, and you want to put this in prod. You can easily accomplish this by:
    • Backup your work to s3
    • Login to the production server and restore the backup


  • Restore will connect to s3, get the latest backup, connect to docker volumes, and restore the files from the backup.
  • It's important to restart the containers after this happens.
  • You can use this to restore a production backup locally, so you can work on the latest production code, and data.
    • In my case, I don't have customer or sensitive data on my website, and I can easily work with production data locally.


During my development and setup, sometimes things were not working as expected, and it is likely that you will face those issues too. I have taken notes on how I have solved them:

  • Site content is not updated after you build and deploy a new container.
    • This is because the old content is still in the docker volumes. Docker volumes needs to be deleted and cleaned up.
    • Mysql credentials will not work, if you change them. Since they are stored in the volume. Delete volume, and start over.
  • Webserver files and configuration are copied inside docker container.
    • If you make any changes to those you need to build again your docker image.
  • Make sure your bucket exist on aws, otherwise backup will not work.
  • Sometimes you need to delete and cleanup the network, if you play with network name changes.
  • SSH key file needs to have permissions setup to 600
  • In case you want to tweak php, in the container is installed under: /usr/local/lsws/lsphp81/bin
  • You will need to put a custom .htaccess at the root of your webserver for WordPress to work properly.
    • By default, the permalinks will not work in WordPress. Litespeed will say that it does not find this file.
    • To fix this you copy docs/wordpress/.htaccess to src/web-server/sites/${sitename.com}/html
  • Make sure wp-config.php is set up properly.
    • Check that "Custom settings for SSL support" are set up. You have an example at docs/wordpress/wp-config.php
    • Check database connectivity settings.
  • By default, the settings of php.ini are very restrictive and if you will try to upload a theme that is a little big, and requires more time to process you will not be able to do this. To fix this problem you need to:
    • login to docker container docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME/ID sh
    • locate php.ini file in directory /usr/local/lsws/lsphp81/etc/php/8.1/litespeed
    • modify php.ini propeties
      • sed -i '/upload_max_filesize/c\upload_max_filesize = 128M' php.ini
      • sed -i '/post_max_size/c\post_max_size = 128M' php.ini
      • sed -i '/max_execution_time/c\max_execution_time = 1000' php.ini
    • restart php module killall -9 lsphp
    • reference https://pieterbakker.com/edit-php-ini-settings-for-openlitespeed/