A collection of LUA scripts to modify your Cyberpunk 2077 experience
- Prevent V from being knocked over by NPC vehicles
- Disable AutoSaves
- Increase AutoSaves increments
- Decrease AutoSaves increments
- Increase Quicksave slots available
- Toggle in-game rain
- Activate GodMode
- Give Player Johnny's Items
- Give Player lots of money
- Set Player to Max Level, Streetcred, Perk level, and Attribute level
- Give Player all Legendary recipies
- Unlock all player vehicles
Drop mods
folder into bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\
Inside of bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\autoexec.lua
(create it if it does not exist) add the following:
dofile(string.format( "braindance_autoexec.lua", mod ))
Inside of bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\braindance_autoexec.lua
configure the protocols you wish to run.
-- Cheats
Cheats.Player.MaxOut() -- Max Level, Attributes, Skill Points, Money,
Cheats.Player.GodMode() -- Permanent to your SaveFile
Cheats.Crafting.AddAll() -- Add Recipes & Materials
Cheats.Johnny.AddItems() -- Adds Johnny's Legendary Items