This script checks a codebase for inconsistencies between the include statements in the files and the actual filenames in the filesystem. These inconsistensies can be a problem on case-sensitive filesystems, such as Linux, and can cause build errors. The script lists all the inconsistencies and allows the user to fix them by choosing the correct filename from the filesystem. The script is intended to be run from the top-level directory of the codebase.
Usage: python [options]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-n, --dry-run Print the results without fixing the
include statements.
-d DIRECTORY, Toplevel directory of the codebase
--directory=DIRECTORY to process. If not provided,
the current directory is used.
Show the inconsistencies in the codebase, assuming that this script is in the
top-level directory:
> python --dry-run
Fix the inconsistencies:
> python
Recently, the script was updated to also fix backslashes in include statements, turning them into forward slashes.