
Library providing numerous colour manipulation functions for the PAWN language.

Primary LanguagePawn

PAWN Colour Manipulation


Notice: This repository is not being actively maintained anymore. If anyone wishes to continue the development of the project, please create a fork of the repository and release future versions there.

This library provides a number of easy-to-use colour manipulation functions for PAWN.


Simply install to your project:

sampctl package install kristoisberg/pawn-colour-manipulation

Include in your code and begin using the library:

#include <colour-manipulation>


To test, simply run the package:

sampctl package run

There is also a separate test script (samp-grayscale-bitmap) that unfortunately doesn't work yet due to a bug in samp-bitmapper.


GetColourComponents(colour, &Float:r, &Float:g, &Float:b, &Float:a = 1.0, ColourMode:mode = COLOUR_MODE_RGBA)

Extracts the RGB(A) components from a colour code.

Float:GetColourComponent(colour, ColourComponent:component, ColourMode:mode = COLOUR_MODE_RGBA)

Extracts an individual colour component from a colour code and returns it.

SetColourComponent(colour, ColourComponent:component, Float:value, ColourMode:mode = COLOUR_MODE_RGBA)

Modifies an individual component of an existing colour and returns the new colour.

GetColourCode(Float:r, Float:g, Float:b, Float:a = 1.0, ColourMode:mode = COLOUR_MODE_RGBA)

Creates a colour code from RGB(A) components.

ConvertColour(colour, ColourMode:from, ColourMode:to, Float:alpha = 1.0)

Converts a colour from one colour mode to another. Alpha should be specified when converting from RGB, otherwise 0xFF (fully non-transparent) is used.

InterpolateColours(colour1, colour2, Float:amount, ColourMode:mode = COLOUR_MODE_RGBA)

Interpolates two colours. amount must be in the range 0.0 - 1.0. The larger amount is, the closer the returned colour is to colour2.

Float:GetColourBrightness(colour, ColourMode:mode = COLOUR_MODE_RGBA)

Returns the brightness of a colour.

DarkenColour(colour, Float:amount, ColourMode:mode = COLOUR_MODE_RGBA)

Darkens a colour by interpolating it with the black colour.

LightenColour(colour, Float:amount, ColourMode:mode = COLOUR_MODE_RGBA)

Lightens a colour by interpolating it with the white colour.

GrayscaleColour(colour, ColourMode:mode = COLOUR_MODE_RGBA)

Returns the grayscale equivalent of a colour.


Converts a binary colour component value to a fractional value.


Converts a fractional colour component value to a binary value.


Adds sRGB gamma correction to a colour component.


Removes the sRGB gamma correction from a colour component.


Colour modes

COLOUR_MODE_RGBA - The most common colour format in SA-MP: used by SendClientMessage, textdraws, etc.

COLOUR_MODE_ARGB- Colour format used by SetObjectMaterial, SetObjectMaterialText and SetPlayerAttachedObject.

COLOUR_MODE_RGB - Colour format used by embedded colours, probably the most common colour format outside of SA-MP, most notably in webpages.

Colour components






Both British and American spellings (color/colour, gray/grey) are supported for everything noted above.