
Quantitative Research Methods for Second Language Research

Welcome to SLS 670: Quantitative Research Methods for Second Language Research

This site will include tutorials for performing all quantitative analyses (in R/Rstudio) for the course.

This site will NOT be a substitute for the more technical and conceptual aspects of quantitative research methods (which are covered in assigned readings).

This site WILL show you how to do each analysis in R (and provide a small amount of commentary).

Tutorial 1: Getting Started with R

Tutorial 2: Getting Started with Data Visualization

Tutorial 3: Loading Data, More Visualization

Tutorial 4: Assumptions, Significance, and Effect Size

Tutorial 5: More Practice with Assumptions, Significance, and Effect Size

Tutorial 6: Correlation

Tutorial 7: Linear Regression

Tutorial 8: Multiple Linear Regression

Tutorial 9: Introduction to Differences between Two Independent Samples

Tutorial 10: Introduction to Differences between Two Paired Samples

Tutorial 11: Introduction to Differences between Three or More Independent Samples

Tutorial 12: Factorial Designs

Tutorial 13: Repeated Measures ANOVA

Tutorial 14: Linear Mixed Effects Models

Tutorial 15: Discriminant Function Analysis

Tutorial 16: Logistic Regression

Tutorial 17: Frequency Distributions

Tutorial 18: Frequency Distributions

Stay tuned for more content to be added here!