Dockerized MediaWiki running under Nginx and PHP-FPM. Based on the official PHP7 image. Packaged with VisualEditor plugin and Parsoid service.
- 2
Error building with docker-compose
#23 opened by cmbernard333 - 2
Specifying ExtraLocalSettings.php results in displaying contents of extralocalsettings.php
#26 opened by Zyrohex - 1
How to use different context url ?
#25 opened by CondormanFr - 0
Support for composer.local.json
#24 opened by TimonLukas - 2
#21 opened by shizacat - 0
Curl timeout
#20 opened by bjornallvin - 0
Dockerfile incompatible with MacOS > 10.7
#19 opened by bjornallvin - 8
mime.types not included
#14 opened by rlpowell - 2
"images" needs chmod 777
#10 opened by Silex - 2
Install Problems: Cannot access the database
#15 opened by ITforHome - 2
Container doesnt start
#12 opened by wernermarcel - 1
Port 80 or 8080?
#11 opened by alex-dixon - 3
Build problems
#16 opened by robov - 3
- 1
- 1
- 3
Memory usage
#8 opened by Cypris2010 - 2
Documentation incomplete for -e variables
#7 opened by SoftNotWork - 1
VisualEditor doesn't work in special usecase
#13 opened by DerBunteBall - 1
Failed to start Container
#6 opened by virtualweb-at - 0
How to update user's password?
#5 opened by codlin - 2
cache sessions in DB
#4 opened by bebehei - 1
Error during install
#2 opened by sepastian - 1
A few thoughts...
#1 opened by Raistlfiren