
Yuri is a small utility for making sense out of URIs, without having to write the same utility methods again and again.

Primary LanguagePHP


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Yuri is a small utility for making sense out of URIs, without having to write the same utility methods again and again.

By default Yuri works for the current URL if an input URI is ommited:

use Kristos80\Yuri\Yuri;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$yuri = new Yuri('https://www.dummy.com/path/index.html?q[]=1&q[]=2');

You can check, almost, all methods returned values, by using one of the asArray(), asClass() or asJsonString() methods:

//@see Yuri::asJsonString(bool $prettyPrint = FALSE)
    "originalUri": "https:\/\/www.dummy.com\/path\/index.html?q[]=1&q[]=2",
    "normalizedUri": "https:\/\/www.dummy.com\/path\/index.html?q[0]=1&q[1]=2",
    "normalizedUriWithSlash": "https:\/\/www.dummy.com\/path\/index.html?q[0]=1&q[1]=2",
    "scheme": "https",
    "host": "www.dummy.com",
    "hostWithoutSubdomains": "dummy.com",
    "tld": "com",
    "path": "\/path\/index.html",
    "paths": [
    "query": {
        "q": [
    "originalQueryString": "q[]=1&q[]=2",
    "queryString": "q[0]=1&q[1]=2",
    "port": null,
    "uid": "6ec78702bb2686046b5102547fbd3d79",
    "isHttps": true,
    "isFile": true,
    "isWww": true

And there are some extra utility methods for getting data about path and query, like:

//@see Yuri::getQueryVar(string $varNotation, $defaultValue = NULL)
//Notation syntax is, also, supported
echo $yuri->getQueryVar('q.0','defaultValueIfNotExists'); 
//@see Yuri::getPathByIndex(int $pathIndex = 0)
echo $yuri->getPathByIndex();


getOriginalUri(): string {}
getNormalizedUri(bool $useTrailingSlash = FALSE): string {}
isFile(): bool {}
isWww(): bool {}
getNormalizedUriWithSlash(): string {}
getScheme(): ?string {}
getHost(bool $removeSubDomains = FALSE): ?string {}
getTld(): string {}
getPaths(bool $useNullOnEmptyPaths = FALSE): ?array {}
getPath(bool $useSlashOnEmptyPath = FALSE): string {}
getQuery(): array {}
getOriginalQueryString(bool $useQuestionMark = FALSE): string {}
getQueryString(bool $useQuestionMark = FALSE): string {}
getPort(): ?int {}
getUid(): string {}
isHttps(): bool {}
getPathByIndex(int $pathIndex = 0): ?string {}
getQueryVar(string $varNotation, $defaultValue = NULL) {}
asArray(): array {}
asClass(): \stdClass {}
asJsonString(bool $prettyPrint = FALSE): string {}