My Neovim config using nixvim. STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION
- completion/
- nvim-cmp: Completion plugin for nvim + emoji support
- copilot-cmp: Completion support for GitHub copilot
- lspkind: vscode-like pictograms for neovim lsp completion items
- schemastore.nvim: Schemastore integration
- lsp/
- statusline/
- lualine: Status line for neovim
- treesitter/
- treesitter-textobject: Allow cool text manupulation thanks to TS
- treesitter: Parser generator tool to build a syntax tree of the current buffer
- ui/
- alpha: Dashboard
- bufferline: VSCode like line for buffers
- noice: Better nvim UI
- nvim-notify: Notification manager
- precognition: Show inline navigation hint
- telescope: Quickly navigate all the files
- utils/
Nix/Neovim configs I've learned from and stolen from liberally:
- Gaétan Lepage Where I started looking.
- Pedro Alves Very nice configs!
- Elyth/nixvim Template I used for my config.