
Yaw Calibration

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somehow the Yaw/Mag Calibration is not working for me. I'm using the EM71280_MPU9250_BMP280_M24512DFC_WS_Acc_Cal.ino Sketch. I'm waving the device in an figure 8 motion, and after some time when I try to move the Sensor by 90 degrees it works fine. But if I move the sensor around a bit and placing it back where it came from, the Yaw reading differs a lot. Usually about 10-20 degrees. Furthermore, even if i enter the Magnetic declination for my city it never shows the real north. If i reran the whole process I will get the 90 degrees offset for turns, but the same direction in my room is now off about 60 degrees or so. Am I doing something wrong?

Best Regards
D. Lehmann

I'm using the yaw calculation from Quaternions from your sketch, I did not change it. How do I access the Euler-Angles from the EM7180? Do I have to do it by changing the Algorithm control register (0x54)? If I read the "magnetometer calibration completed" bit in the algorithmStatus-register it is set to 1, but the yaw still drifts a lot if I set it back to the initial position. But the sensor reports that the calibration is completed after a few seconds of waving in figure 8 motion.

I have a second question: You are storing the Acceleration calibration data in the 0x5b register, which is not specified in the documentation, so I guess it's a user selectable register? Do you use the data in it by using this register in the configuration file or where is the acceleration config data used?

I did some additional research today, with the hardware euler angles:

  • sometimes it gets close to the real heading, but after 5-6 minutes it drifts away for about 20 deg
  • if I save the WS-data and restore it, without moving the sensor, most of the time the angles before and after reboot and using the WS data differ for more than 90 deg
  • sometimes the hardware yaw starts drifting continiously without moving the sensor after a period of constant heading
  • pitch and roll are good, stable and accurate

Could the magnetometer be defect? I tried hooking up a different one but my registration for the SENtral toolkit have Not been validated or answered...

Do you have some Ideas what I could try to get a stable and (mostly) accurate yaw angle?

Best Regards

Hi kris,

If using not using passthrough mode, you can do the figure 8 anytime the sketch is outputting data to calibrate, while passthrough mode the calibration is done at the beginning before data collecting start am I correct?

Do you recommend no passthrough or passthrough mode?
