
EM7180 Nano Board

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello Kris,
Sorry that I contact you this way, but the Facebook app on your Tindie account isn't working for me.
Me and another project group at my university are working on a project concerning orientation. We tried the BNO055 but are not getting reasonable results out of this thing.
We read your article about the EM7180 but couldn't find the Nano board in your Tindie Shop. Are you still selling them?
Kind regards,

Hello Mr. Winer (?),
many thanks for the prompt reply. The MPU9250 s have to be woven/glued into/onto the fingers of a glove and also on the back of the hand. This will become the remote for a robot hand. In my case it´s going onto shoulder and arm. While the bigger breakout would work for me, the smaller one would be definitely more sophisticated for the glove.
Kind regards,

Sorry for my delayed answer. I discussed your offering with my colleauges. We appreciate your offer very much, but we can't wait 6 weeks because of our deadline.
Kind regards,

Hello Kris,
do you know the delivery time from your Tindie Shop to Germany by chance?
Kind regards,