
Increasing orientation convergence speed

Closed this issue · 5 comments

In the documentation ("G. Tuning the SENtral Sensor Fusion Algorithms"), you mention that "There are parameters that control how quickly the orientation solution reacts to changes in the acceleration and magnetic field data." I do not see these parameters in the EM7180 datasheet and I don't see any indications of them in your example sketches. Any suggestions where I can find these parameters? Are they part of the SENtral config tool?

afnan commented

Isnt it the delay parameter ? @kriswiner I wonder how your computer file organization looks like when you work on too many projects and you still have all the files :) whereas, I am still trying to be an organized person

afnan commented

@kriswiner in regards to the reaction settings I believe it was the update rate we set in the main. On the other hand I said I was thinking since you work on many projects and have many products out in the market how do you manage all the information on your computer and how do you work on these products in parallel.