
ESP32 board + Ultimate Sensor Fusion board

Opened this issue · 5 comments

afnan commented

I am using your Ultimate sensor fusion board with your ESP32 board. I would be grateful if you can answer the following:

  1. Even after proper calibration including an accelerometer, if you rotate sensor at one angle (roll) more than 90, the pitch increases suddenly whereas it should remain zero or close. Why? if this is a sensor limitation or design limitation, how did HTC vive hand controllers implement it as they are using MPU6050?

  2. On using 750mA lipo with ESP32, sensor fusion board and sending data through BLE, I only get 20 minutes of usage time. I am trying to understand that how POLAR wrist watch get more time from a very small battery? it too is sending data through BLE.

  3. Do you think deep sleep function can help to get more juice out of this battery? if yes do you think I can use the button attached to GPIO zero on your board?

afnan commented

in regards to 1. It only happens if I roll more than 90 then pitch changes, however, on changing pitch roll remains steady

This looks promising but the only down side is it does not have SENTRAL :( do you think it can give accuracy of ultimate sensor fusion board?

I only need BLE no wifi etc.


afnan commented

Yes, I am reading hardware angles.

Well, it is a good suggestion (I will ask my client his preference angles or battery time), I would say at this point. The client intends to go into bulk order mode in the future. Do you have any plans or can put 7180 on nrf52 board?