
How are you gettting the hardware quaternions?

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Hello @kriswiner ,

I am newbie on the rotation topic using quaternions, I have been reading abot then and the different ways of representing rotation changes, so sorry in advance if my questions might be quite simple.

I have been looking your code for the BMI160, device that I am using, and there is a point where obtaining the quaternions that I get a bit lost.

I see that you have defined to set of quaternions, hardware quaternions Quat[4] and software quaternions q[4]. Could you explain me how you are obtaining the hardware quaternions? I am especially interested in q0 (Quat[0]), is this value given only by EM7180 sensor or it can be retreived as well from BMI160?

And finally the software quaternions q[4] are coming from the application of the MadgwickQuaternionUpdate() method?

Thanks in advance!

Thanks for replying,

Then that means that BMI160 doesn't provide the value q0 from hardware and if I use this sensor I would have to make use of just the software base right?
One more question regarding to q0, I have seen other repo of yours for the MPU9250, this sensor also provides the q0 as far as I understood from your code, but I could not find any explicit register in the register map of the MPU9250 that holds q0. Could you kindly point me out where or what I should look to find that register?

Thank you very much,
