
Barometer max out at 10K feet (-32768 raw)

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I am using the Ultimate Sensor Fusion to track telemetry on hobby rockets. I did two launches this weekend over 10K feet and noticed the barometer data crapped out over 10K feet ASL. I thought that was odd, since I did two previous launches using a BMP180 alone (without the EM7180 board) with no issue. When I reviewed the code and configuration today, I realized the raw pressure data is an Int16, so it will max out at -32768, which is around 685 mbar. I looked through all the documentation, but could not find anything that allows setting a range or anything that limits the actual range of the BMP180. The sensor should be accurate to 300 mbar, so I assume there is a setting somewhere that is being overlooked. Please advise.

Correction: I meant BMP280 above and not BMP180.