
This is a basic sketch written for the Teensy 3.1 (easily adapted to any Arduino) specifically for the LP55231 LED Driver add-on board composed of one LP55231 LED Driver and three common cathode rgb leds. The LP55231 is controlled via I32C commands from a host and takes one of four I2C addresses so up to four of the chips can be ganged to drive up to 36 separate leds. The sketch parametrizes the LP55231 registers, initialized the LED drive currents and controls the PWM outputs to the rgb leds. The LP55231 is a versatile led driver that can operate via I2C commands from a host microcontroller or be programmed to execute up to 96 steps in a standalone program. This makes it ideal for small wearable and/or ornamental led displays that can be battery-powered and run autonomously.