- 12
Adding Support for Win32 ARM64
#295 opened by alan-agius4 - 1
Suggest: supports on-demand opening and closing
#315 opened by stevobm - 1
Interop with Python's LMDB package?
#314 opened by vedantroy - 5
Lmdb no native build was found with node-gyp-build-optional-packages and linux platform
#312 opened by NiekZndt - 0
filter breaks following forEach in 3.1.0+
#313 opened by awick - 1
Best Practices for Safely Using db.getRange
#311 opened by damartripamungkas - 0
how to open mdb like navicat
#310 opened by ilsyaa - 1
- 2
- 1
Missing getAsync TypeScript Definition
#304 opened by shtse8 - 1
node_modules/lmdb/index.d.ts:462:1 - error TS1203: Export assignment cannot be used when targeting ECMAScript modules. Consider using 'export default' or another module format instead.
#305 opened by Payziii - 16
Segmentation Failure after "Commit failed" and "Operation not permitted" Error
#294 opened by falcon027 - 0
Valgrind warnings
#300 opened by yamadapc - 6
Sync cache between 2 processes/threads
#296 opened by angrymouse - 1
v3 changes
#297 opened by jdesboeufs - 2
MDB error cursor full
#299 opened by xrchz - 7
Large value interpreted as key being too large
#281 opened by pkaminski - 21
Ask for help: mdb_page_spill error
#283 opened by falcon027 - 1
#288 opened by alexgleason - 26
No native build was found for platform=darwin arch=arm64 runtime=electron abi=114 uv=1 armv=8 libc=glibc node=18.14.0 electron=24.8.7 webpack=true
#279 opened by thomasdao - 1
- 1
string / array key questions
#276 opened by archivaldo - 1
docker with read-only filesystem
#271 opened by runk - 0
`doesExist` with transaction
#287 opened by pkaminski - 4
- 2
transaction without callback
#280 opened by mikeTWC1984 - 5
LMDB on Electron renderer
#278 opened by thomasdao - 5
lmdb-store: build error
#274 opened by maghaffar - 12
Lightning Stream support
#267 opened by tbaumann - 6
DB files not readible by other implementations
#273 opened by tbaumann - 1
- 5
Question about arrays as keys
#269 opened by tbaumann - 3
Strange node abort with immediate read/write
#268 opened by atownley - 3
- 3
vulnerability affecting vtk-v9.1.0.rc1
#255 opened by tech-run - 1
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'then') in return writeTxn.childResults.then(...)
#265 opened by dskvr - 3
segfault when path set to null or undefined (typescript demands path to exist)
#243 opened by timotejroiko - 4
- 1
copy data folder to new server
#256 opened by morteza102030 - 2
Problems using lmdb-js with bun
#259 opened by larsw - 2
- 2
- 2
How to define a subDB w its types.
#253 opened by KaffinPX - 4
Intermittently with workers / high concurrency lmdb will fail to retrieve just added key until next pass of event loop
#250 opened by marcins - 1
ordered-binary values format
#249 opened by morteza102030 - 3
why data get replaced and output only one when openDB function set to `nodes`
#248 opened by dennis0324 - 1
#246 opened by angrymouse - 3
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Incrementing integers
#244 opened by timotejroiko - 3