- 0
Catch erros threw inside a Promise
#44 opened by arturocandela - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
Conflict with newrelic agent
#57 opened by jayfresh - 0
promise.js into /lib
#56 opened by KieronWiltshire - 0
Follow ES6 spec
#55 opened by brettz9 - 0
Error when auto-starting during server reboot
#54 opened by jurgenhaas - 0
Remaining merge conflict in
#53 opened by clmath - 1
Get the promise status
#35 opened by arcanis - 1
Break out of a then chain
#49 opened by MrBunny956 - 1
- 1
NPM not delivering latest code
#42 opened by tsgautier - 0
fs wraps functions it shouldn't
#46 opened by kfranqueiro - 0
- 1
jQuery deferred object-like syntax
#38 opened by tomkit - 2
2 problems with Reject throwing errors
#39 opened by cscalfani - 2
Can't pass encoding to readFile
#24 opened by jdeal - 0
- 0
- 2
- 0
Missing Promise.fulfill()
#26 opened by guanix - 1
- 1
http-client.js - client is not defined
#21 opened by ManInTheBox - 1
version available via npm (0.2.1 or 0.2.3)
#22 opened by tomyan - 4
Cannot find module 'promised-io'
#13 opened by balupton - 0
Put patr in devDependencies
#15 opened by smith - 2
- 0
querystring parser trims values
#12 opened by novemberborn - 0
Abort uploads?
#11 opened by novemberborn - 0
.allKeys() === .all() for hashes
#3 opened by dvv - 3
fs.stat throws error if file doesn't exist
#2 opened by nrstott - 0
node http-client: smarter request headers
#1 opened by smith