
eYSIP - Implementing AI, ML & DSP libraries using AJIT vector instructions

Primary LanguageAssembly

Implementation of AI/ML and DSP libraries using AJIT vector instructions

The AJIT processor (designed in IIT Bombay) has vector instructions for integer (8/16/32/64) bit and oating point arithmetic (half/single/double precision). Vector or SIMD instructions are part of computers architecture with multiple processing elements that perform the same operation on multi- ple data points simultaneously. The project involves design of libraries that exploit these vector instructions.


To setup the AJIT toolchain, refer to the official repo of AJIT : Github repo

These functions were developed using an older commit of the repo : older commit link


BLAS Level-1

The BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) are routines that provide standard building blocks for performing optimized linear algebra vector and matrix operations. Level-1 BLAS perform scalar, vector and vector-vector operations. The following level-1 BLAS functions were implemented using vector instructions and optimized for the AJIT processor:

  • Xasum : sum of absolute values of the elements of an array
  • Xscal : scales the elements of the array by constant alpha x = a*x
  • Xaxpy : implements the equation y=a*x+y on each element of the array
  • Xdot : computes the dot product between two arrays: ans = sum(xi * yi)
  • Isamax : finds the largest element of the array

Note: Each of the mentioned functions have separate implementations for various data types. The functions are mentioned as X{function_name}. Here X represents different data types (for example: u8asum, u16asum,u32asum, sasum are implemented variants of Xasum)

  • u8 - 8 bit unsigned int
  • u16 - 16 bit unsigned int
  • u32 - 32 bit unsigned int
  • s - single precision foating point

DSP Routines

Using the optimizations from the BLAS implementations, applications such as DSP and convolution were implemented and optimized for AJIT. These applications were tested on audio and image samples respectively.

  • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) : Implemented Cooley Turkey FFT algorithm (Decimation in Time) with the help of vector instructions
  • Convolution : Implemented 1-D and 2-D convolution (3x3 kernel) using vector instructions