
Customer Feedback Portal with User Authentication This project is a web application for managing customer feedback with user authentication.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Customer Feedback Portal with User Authentication

This project is a web application for managing customer feedback with user authentication. It consists of a frontend built with React and a backend created using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Users can register, log in, and provide feedback, while authenticated users can manage their feedback and admins have additional privileges.


  • User authentication (registration, login) using JWT tokens
  • CRUD operations for managing customer feedback
  • User roles (Admin, Regular User) with different access permissions
  • Secure password hashing using bcrypt
  • Backend API with Node.js and Express.js
  • MongoDB integration for data storage

Installation and Setup

Frontend Setup

  1. Clone the frontend repository:

    git clone <frontend-repo-link>
    cd frontend-directory
    npm install
    npm start

1.Access the frontend application by opening it in a web browser.

Backend Setup

Clone the backend repository: git clone <git clone https://github.com/kriti4666/basaal_backend> cd backend-directory npm install

2.Configure environment variables:

Create a .env file and set up required environment variables (e.g., MongoDB URI, JWT secret) Start the server: npm start


1.Register a new account or log in if already registered. 2.Provide feedback through the form. 3.View, update, or delete feedback based on user roles.

Backend API Endpoints

•/user/register: POST request to register a new user •/user/login: POST request to log in and obtain an authentication token •/feedback: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests for managing feedback (requires authentication)

Contributor Name : Kriti

Repository Links Frontend link : https://659bd81029d2ab4444ca0ee6--effortless-bonbon-b55995.netlify.app/ Backend link : https://basal-backend.onrender.com/