This repository contains the following projects:
- Audio volume modifier -
Inputs a .wav file and returns a .wav file with modified volume on the basis of a user inputted factor.
make Audio_Volume_Modifier
- Filters -
Executes the following filters on .bmp images:
i) Grayscale
ii) Sepia
iii) Reflection
iv) Blur
v) Edge highlighting
make Filters
- Tideman Election -
Implements the tideman algorithm for conducting an election.
make Tideman_Elections
- Runoff Election -
Implements the instant runoff system to conduct an election.
make Runoff_elections
- Readability Test -
Determines the (U.S.) grade level required to understand a given text. Uses Coleman-Liau index.
make Readability_Test
⚠️ working requires Premake5 installed
tar -xvzf premake-5.0.0-alpha16-linux.tar.gz -c /usr/bin