React Projects

Projects Github Description
Ecommerce website GitHub stars This is a fully functional Ecommerce Website which allows the user to login,add products to cart,view products in detail and do the payment through credit card. Built using React,React Router,OAuth2 for user authentication,Stripe for payment and Netlify for deployment. Demo link.
Invoice Generator GitHub stars It is an Invoice Generator App built in ReactJS. It facilitates the user to download the Invoice in PDF format and use it further. Currently,only Desktop version is available. Demo link.
Shoes Ecommerce website GitHub stars This is a fully functional Shoes Ecommerce Website which allows the user to login,add products to cart,view products in detail. Demo link.
QR Code Menu/Speisekarte Scanner GitHub stars It is a QR Code Scanner which opens Restaurant's Menu website.I have created this App in both German and English language as part of my learning German. It routes to a dummy page on scanning the code for now.The Menu site build is in progress.. Demo link.
Portfolio GitHub stars This is a Portfolio App built in HTML5 and CSS. Demo link.