
Personal test-repo for universal robots ur5e

Primary LanguageC++

UR5 - Diary

This repository contains a series of small tests with the universal robots UR-5 robot. The tests might not be immediately runnable on your computer without a bit of effort. On top of that the code isn't really cleaned up. It's more or less a personal history while trying to figure how to use the robot and what to do with it.

The code is written either in Python or C++, utilizing the following libraries:

Setting up python-urx

I use the fork from jkur, install it using:

pip3 install git+https://github.com/jkur/python-urx.git

Most basic example:

import urx

a = 0.1
v = 0.1

rob = urx.Robot(""); 
rob.movel((+0.1,-0.5,0.05, 0, 0, 0), a, v)
rob.movel((+0.1,-0.5,0.00, 0, 0, 0), a, v)
rob.movel((-0.1,-0.5,0.00, 0, 0, 0), a, v)
rob.movel((-0.1,-0.5,0.05, 0, 0, 0), a, v)

Setting up ur_rtde

ur_rtde is a library for both python and C++.

The library itself is great, but unfortunately pybind11 dependency was acting strange on my computer. For me this was the setup process:

pip3 install --user pybind11
cd /usr/local/include/python3.7m
ln -s /Users/hansi/Library/Python/3.7/include/python3.7m/pybind11 pybind11

You can figure out where python3 thinks pybind11 should be available by running

run python3, then: 

import pybind11

This lists two paths, in my case /usr/local/include/python3.7m/pybind11 and /Users/hansi/Library/Python/3.7/include/python3.7m/pybind11. Make sure the header files are present in both folders!

Once this is settled you can run

pip3 install ur_rtde

List of Examples

test_1 (python)

Uses python and python-urx and does simple motions only. There are three examples inside:

  • test_1: Moves the robot to different points
  • test_2: Draws a grid
  • test_3: Draws the xy-representation of a stereo audio file

test_2 (python/C++)

  • test_2_1: Moves the tool point to different orientations using python-urx
  • test_2_2: Moves to different points in space using the python binds of ur_rtde

test_2_servoj (C++)

Uses C++, cmake and ur_rtde to make smooth robot motions.


Uses C++, cmake and ur_rtde to draw with a swerving pen motion attempting to resemble the motion of a human hand. The basis for the drawings are again stereo audio files interpreted as xy-curves.

test_4_force (C++)

Moves the robot up, then lets the arm fall freely until it hits the ground. This could be used to quickly measure the length of a pen the gripper is holding.

test_5_poke (C++)

Testing to see if it's possible to "poke" a human using the robot arm. I consider this experiment an utter failure.

test_6_recplay (C++)

Puts the robot into freedrive. It then records data points until the human stops moving the robot. After that the motion is replayed.

test_7_snake (C++)

An attempt to make robot move in the way a snake would. I consider this another undisputable failure.

test_8_camera (C++)

Attached a standard SLR camera to the robot arm using a 3d printed tool adapter. gphoto2 is used for tethering.

test_9_gummi (ongoing! python/C++)

Here gummi bears are picked and placed. The gummi bears are detected using opencv, Charuco markers are used to align the opencv camera view to the robot coordinate system.

The C++ part handles image recognition and coordinate conversion. Python access the coordinates using a rest interface. Very much in progress.

test_10_kresse (ongoing! C++)

Very much in progress. This is a continuation of test_8_camera, but for the laowa macro probe lense and ... much more complicated of course.