
Medium for ZeroNet

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Codacy Badge


Medium for ZeroNet

Current Version: 18.01.2

  • run gulp to combine and move over javascript files to js folder, to copy over html files to root, and to compile sass into css and put into css folder.
  • The src folder should be ignored by ZeroNet.

Update: ZeroMedium no longer uses Typescript (there were problems with it and vue and I didn't want to spend forever trying to figure them out).

NOTE: This repo uses the GitFlow development model, which you can read about here and here.


  • Change gulp-minify-css to gulp-clean-css

Style Guidelines for Contributions

  • Always use camelCase
  • Strings should use double quotes
  • Always use curly braces ({}) with if statements
  • Never use object method shorthand (functionName() {})
    • Instead use functionName: function() {}
  • Always put semicolons at end of statements
  • Use const when variable is not modified
  • Put empty line after declaration lines
  • Put 1 space in curly braces (Ex: { 'foo': 'bar' })
  • Don't use assignment inside conditions
  • Don't put spaces in brackets
  • Don't put spaces in function calls (Must be of this form functionName(), without spaces)
  • Don't put spaces inside parentheses
  • Don't use delete on variables, they can only delete properties
  • Always put 1 space after initial // or /* of comment
  • Always put 1 space before blocks (Ex: function() {}, not function(){})
  • You must have parentheses around arrow function parameters
  • Always put 1 space around infix operators (+, -, *, /, ?, etc.)
  • Always wrap regexes in parentheses (Ex: (/[.?!]/))
  • You are only allowed to use that as an alias for this (don't use self, etc.)
  • Never use alert, confirm, or prompt
  • Never use eval()