A general program analysis tool built on top of the SPOON API

Primary LanguageScala

AMP (Automated Meta Programming)

Tools for improving the workflow of Java Developers. Features include:

  • Automatic Refactoring
  • Verification/Validation
  • Compile time optimization


  • scala 2.12.3 (or higher)
  • sbt 0.13.8 (or higher)
  • Java 11

Building the project

Running unit test

> sbt clean compile
> sbt test 

Packaging for command line usage

First run the following

> sbt pack

This will create an executable batch script that runs an accompanying jar.
Batch script is located in amp/target/pack/bin/app.bat
To see command line usage, simply run app --help

You can run the batch script with the following arguments:

> app --print [inputPath] [outputPath]

Takes the class specified by the input path and print the AST to the output path (can be any file type).

> app --analyze [inputPath]

Takes the class specified by the input path and estimates the output of a given method.
Estimations are printed to Stdout.

> --refactor [inputPath] [outputPath]

Takes the class specified by the input path, automatically refactors the AST.
Prints the refactored AST to the output file (must have a java extension)

Note: all input files must have a java extension