
A simple Progressive web app that converts a given amount from one currency to another .It is an individual project for ALC3.0 mobile web specialist learners

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A simple Progressive web app that converts a given amount from one currency to another using Free Currency Converter API

It is an individual project for ALC3.0 Mobile Web Specialists learners whose main purpose is to

  • Determine your overall progress in the ALC program, and identify the top 100 learners from the track
  • To test the skills learned by learners and certify the top learners at the end of the program.


A working demo can be found here. Thanks to github pages

Screen shot


  • The app uses webpack for module bundling and es6 modules for code modularity whose native support in browsers is still relatively low compared to other es6 features .

  • It doesn't use any trans-pilers meaning that it will only work in browsers that support es6 features and above .

  • Its doesn't use any javascript frameworks and is only built with the native browser DOM APIs .

  • It only uses the Cache Interface for handling all the off line data. This is because most of the assets used by this app are static or rarely change (currency Ids & symbols) and those that change (conversion rates), change frequently (every one hour ) .


Ensure that you have the following tools available on your machine

  • Node js, a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • A package manager like npm or yarn for installing dependencies like webpack
  • Git , a Version Control System

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo locally to your machine git clone https://github.com/krmroland/currency-converter.git

  2. In your terminal change your current directory (cd) to wherever you cloned the app in 1 above.


While in your terminal;

  • Install its dependencies by running yarn or npm install depending on the package manager you installed

  • Run npm run watch or yarn watch to compile, and recompile whenever a change is made.

  • Run npm run build or yarn build to minimize and compile the code for production

NB: The compiled code is located in the /dist directory and it is cleaned on every build so all the assets should be put in the /public directory since the build script will copy them to the /dist directory on every build


A Special thanks goes to Andela Learning Community, without them , this application wouldn't be a success