
GraphQL Java implementation

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Friendly warning: As GraphQL itself is currently a Working Draft, expect changes.

This is a GraphQL Java implementation based on the specification and the JavaScript reference implementation.

Status: Version 1.2 is released. This version aims to be feature complete in regard to the current spec.

Hint: This README documents the latest release, but master contains the current development version. So please make sure to checkout the appropriate tag when looking for the version documented here.

Build Status Latest Release Latest Dev Build

Table of Contents


This is a Java Implementation of GraphQL. The library aims for real-life usage in production.

It takes care of parsing and executing a GraphQL query. It doesn't take care of actually fetching any data: Data comes from implementing callbacks or providing static data.

Hello World

This is the famous "hello world" in graphql-java:

import graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType;
import graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema;

import static graphql.Scalars.GraphQLString;
import static graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.newFieldDefinition;
import static graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.newObject;

public class HelloWorld {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        GraphQLObjectType queryType = newObject()
        GraphQLSchema schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema()
        Map<String, Object> result = new GraphQL(schema).execute("{hello}").getData();
        // Prints: {hello=world}

Getting started

How to use the latest release with Gradle

Make sure mavenCentral is among your repos:

repositories {


dependencies {
  compile 'com.graphql-java:graphql-java:1.2'
How to use the latest release with Maven




Schema definition

Built-in Types

The Scalars Class has the following built-in types:

  • GraphQLString
  • GraphQLBoolean
  • GraphQLInt
  • GraphQLFloat
Creating a new Object Type


GraphQLObjectType simpsonCharacter = newObject()
    .description("A Simpson character")
            .description("The name of the character.")
            .description("One of the main Simpson characters?")
Creating a new Interface Type


GraphQLObjectType comicCharacter = newObject()
    .description("A abstract comic character.")
            .description("The name of the character.")
Creating a new Union Type

Example: (a snippet from here)

PetType = GraphQLUnionType.newUnionType()
    .typeResolver(new TypeResolver() {
        public GraphQLObjectType getType(Object object) {
            if (object instanceof Cat) {
                return CatType;
            if (object instanceof Dog) {
                return DogType;
            return null;
Creating a new Enum Type


GraphQLEnumType colorEnum = newEnum()
    .description("Supported colors.")
Creating a Object-Input Type


GraphQLInputObjectType inputObjectType = newInputObject()
Lists and NonNull

GraphQLList and GraphQLNonNull wrap another type to declare a list or to forbid null values.

There are no builders to create now objects. Just normal constructors, because they are so simple.


new GraphQLList(GraphQLString); // a list of Strings

new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString); // a non null String
Creating a Schema


GraphQLSchema schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema()
    .query(queryType) // must be provided
    .mutation(mutationType) // is optional

A full schema example: StarWarsSchema

Another schema example, including union types: GarfieldSchema

Recursive Type References

GraphQL supports recursive Types: For example a Person can contain a list of friends of the same Type.

To be able to declare such a Type, graphql-java has a GraphQLTypeReference class.

When the schema is created, the GraphQLTypeReference is replaced with the actual real Type Object.

For example:

GraphQLObjectType person = newObject()
            .type(new GraphQLList(new GraphQLTypeReference("Person")))

Data fetching

The actual data comes from DataFetcher objects.

Every field definition has a DataFetcher. When no one is configured, a PropertyDataFetcher is used.

PropertyDataFetcher fetches data from Map and Java Beans. So when the field name matches the Map key or the property name of the source Object, no DataFetcher is needed.

Example of configuring a custom DataFetcher:

DataFetcher calculateComplicatedValue = new DataFetcher() {
    Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
        // environment.getSource() is the value of the surrounding
        // object. In this case described by objectType
        Object value = ... // Perhaps getting from a DB or whatever 
        return value;

GraphQLObjectType objectType = newObject()


To execute a Query/Mutation against a Schema instantiate a new GraphQL Object with the appropriate arguments and then call execute().

The result of a Query is a ExecutionResult Object with the result and/or a list of Errors.

Example: GraphQL Test

Complexer examples: StarWars query tests

Execution strategies

All fields in a SelectionSet are executed serially per default.

GraphQL takes as second constructor argument an optional ExecutorService. When provided fields will be executed parallel, except the first level of a mutation operation.

See specification for details.

It's recommended to use a ExecutorService to speed up execution.


Logging is done with SLF4J. Please have a look at the Manual for details. The grapqhl-java root Logger name is graphql.

Development Build

The latest development build is available on Bintray.

Please look at Latest Build for the latest version value.

How to use the latest build with Gradle

Add the repositories:

repositories {
    maven { url  "http://dl.bintray.com/andimarek/graphql-java" }


dependencies {
  compile 'com.graphql-java:graphql-java:INSERT_LATEST_VERSION_HERE'

How to use the latest build with Maven

Add the repository:




Build it

Just clone the repo and type

./gradlew build

In build/libs you will find the jar file.

Running the tests:

./gradlew test

Installing in the local Maven repository:

./gradlew install


The implementation is in Java 7, but the tests are in Groovy and Spock.

The query parsing is done with ANTLR. The grammar is here.

The only runtime dependencies are ANTLR and Slf4J.


This implementation is based on the js reference implementation. For example the StarWarSchema and the tests (among a lot of other things) are simply adapted to the Java world.


I would appreciate any feedback via Twitter @andimarek or Pull request/Issue.

There is also the #jvm channel in the slack GraphQL Team. Join here.


graphql-java is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.

Copyright (c) 2015, Andreas Marek and Contributors

graphql-js License