
Custom PowerShell (v1) script which uses WMI Windows interface to query items and prints output in JSON format.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Custom PowerShell (v1) script which uses WMI Windows interface to query items and prints output in JSON format.

This can be used as a discovery script for Zabbix.


wmi_discovery.ps1 <namespace> <WMI querry>

Execute from the cmd.exe

powershell.exe -NoProfile -NoLogo -File "<full path to script directory>\wmi_discovery.ps1" "Namespace" "WMI querry"

Example Usage

powershell -NoProfile -NoLogo -File "D:\krogon\wmi_discovery.ps1" "root/cimv2" "Select Name, LogFilesSizeKB, LogTruncations from Win32_PerfFormattedData_MsSqlServer_SqlServerDatabases where Name not like '%_repl%'"

Zabbix Discovery Configuration

  • Download latest release of wmi_discovery.ps1 script and place it at C:\devtools\zabbix\scripts

  • Append configuration to zabbix_agentd.userparams.conf

    UserParameter=custom.mssql_db_discover[*],powershell.exe -NoProfile -NoLogo -File "C:\devtools\zabbix\scripts\wmi_discovery.ps1" "root/cimv2" "SELECT Name FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_MsSqlServer_SqlServerDatabases WHERE Name != '_Total' $1"
    UserParameter=custom.mssql_db_discover_custom[*],powershell.exe -NoProfile -NoLogo -File "C:\devtools\zabbix\scripts\wmi_discovery.ps1" "root/cimv2" "SELECT Name FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_MsSql$2_MsSql$2Databases WHERE Name != '_Total' $1"
  • Restart Zabbix Agent service

  • Set the global macro for the template/hosts

    {$MSSQL_WQL_WHERE_GLOBAL}="AND Name!='_Total' AND Name!='master'  AND Name!='msdb' AND Name!='model' AND Name!='mssqlsystemresource' AND Name!='tempdb'"
  • (Optional) Set the local macro for the template/hosts (ex.)

    {$MSSQL_SQL_WHERE}="AND NOT Name like '%[_]repl'"

    This will exclude all DBs which ends with "_repl".

  • You may setup new discover item in Zabbix Server with the following key (unless it is already defined in template)

    custom.mssql_db_discover["{$MSSQL_WQL_WHERE_GLOBAL} {$MSSQL_WQL_WHERE}"]
    custom.mssql_db_discover_custom["{$MSSQL_WQL_WHERE_GLOBAL} {$MSSQL_WQL_WHERE}", "{$MSSQLINSTANCE}"]