Custom PowerShell (v1) script which uses WMI Windows interface to query items and prints output in JSON format.
This can be used as a discovery script for Zabbix.
wmi_discovery.ps1 <namespace> <WMI querry>
Execute from the cmd.exe
powershell.exe -NoProfile -NoLogo -File "<full path to script directory>\wmi_discovery.ps1" "Namespace" "WMI querry"
Example Usage
powershell -NoProfile -NoLogo -File "D:\krogon\wmi_discovery.ps1" "root/cimv2" "Select Name, LogFilesSizeKB, LogTruncations from Win32_PerfFormattedData_MsSqlServer_SqlServerDatabases where Name not like '%_repl%'"
Download latest release of wmi_discovery.ps1 script and place it at C:\devtools\zabbix\scripts
Append configuration to zabbix_agentd.userparams.conf
EnableRemoteCommands=1 UnsafeUserParameters=1 UserParameter=custom.mssql_db_discover[*],powershell.exe -NoProfile -NoLogo -File "C:\devtools\zabbix\scripts\wmi_discovery.ps1" "root/cimv2" "SELECT Name FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_MsSqlServer_SqlServerDatabases WHERE Name != '_Total' $1" UserParameter=custom.mssql_db_discover_custom[*],powershell.exe -NoProfile -NoLogo -File "C:\devtools\zabbix\scripts\wmi_discovery.ps1" "root/cimv2" "SELECT Name FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_MsSql$2_MsSql$2Databases WHERE Name != '_Total' $1"
Restart Zabbix Agent service
Set the global macro for the template/hosts
{$MSSQL_WQL_WHERE_GLOBAL}="AND Name!='_Total' AND Name!='master' AND Name!='msdb' AND Name!='model' AND Name!='mssqlsystemresource' AND Name!='tempdb'"
(Optional) Set the local macro for the template/hosts (ex.)
{$MSSQL_SQL_WHERE}="AND NOT Name like '%[_]repl'"
This will exclude all DBs which ends with "_repl".
You may setup new discover item in Zabbix Server with the following key (unless it is already defined in template)
custom.mssql_db_discover["{$MSSQL_WQL_WHERE_GLOBAL} {$MSSQL_WQL_WHERE}"] custom.mssql_db_discover_custom["{$MSSQL_WQL_WHERE_GLOBAL} {$MSSQL_WQL_WHERE}", "{$MSSQLINSTANCE}"]