- 0
No connection possible from arduino to Pusher
#18 opened by 01giraffe - 1
#14 opened by fotoKrille - 0
- 0
Compatibility with Arduino WiFi Shield ?
#8 opened by tmeghe - 2
- 1
Is it updated with the current version !
#9 opened by dyaa - 6
issues using client.triggerEvent()
#7 opened by aamaliaa - 3
client stops "listening" after 30-60 minutes
#4 opened by hiattp - 0
cannot connect directly after a connection
#12 opened by Jaapze - 2
#10 opened by LucidityDesign - 0
Wont work over GSM, timeout?
#5 opened by andygilbert - 10
- 1