Sible is an abstraction layer on top of the iOS Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) API's. When developing sophisticated BLE applications the process of discovering Services, Characteristics and initiating read/write requests quickly becomes complex and difficult to manage. Sible encapsulates this complexity and makes it possible to interact with BLE devices using a much simpler pattern that is intuitive and easy to use.
- Install CocoaPods with
gem install cocoapods
. - Create a file in your XCode project called
and add the following line:
pod 'Sible'
- Run
pod install
in your Xcode project directory. CocoaPods should download and install the Sible library, and create a new Xcode workspace. Open up this workspace in Xcode.
Sible *sible = [[Sible alloc] init];
[sible scan:@"SERVICE-UUID" WithDuration:5.0 Handler:^(NSArray *scans, NSError *error) {
for (PeripheralScan *scan in scans) {
NSLog(@"Peripheral: %@", scan.peripheral);
NSLog(@"Advertisement: %@", scan.advertisement);
NSLog(@"RSSI: %@", scan.RSSI);
Sible *sible = [[Sible alloc] init];
[sible read:peripheral ServiceUUID:@"SERVICE-UUID" CharacteristicUUID:@"CHAR-UUID"
Handler:^(CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSData *data, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Result: %@", data);
Sible *sible = [[Sible alloc] init];
[sible write:device.peripheral ServiceUUID:@"SERVICE-UUID" CharacteristicUUID:@"CHAR-UUID" Byte:0x99
Handler:^(CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSError *error) { }];
Sible *sible = [[Sible alloc] init];
[sible write:device.peripheral ServiceUUID:@"SERVICE-UUID" CharacteristicUUID:@"CHAR-UUID" String:@"my data"
Handler:^(CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSError *error) { }];
unsigned char bytes = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03};
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:bytes length:3];
Sible *sible = [[Sible alloc] init];
[sible write:device.peripheral ServiceUUID:@"SERVICE-UUID" CharacteristicUUID:@"CHAR-UUID" Value:data
Handler:^(CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSError *error) { }];
It's even possible to execute operations against multiple peripherals at the same time. The example below will execute writes to a list of devices in parallel.
for (CBPeripheral *peripheral in myListOfPeripherals) {
[sible write:peripheral ServiceUUID:@"SERVICE-UUID" CharacteristicUUID:@"CHAR-UUID" Byte:0x99 Handler:^(CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSError *error) { }];
Transactions are a simple way of orchestrating a number operations that should occur in sequence. These operations can be reads or writes, and can even be executed against different Peripherals. All of the operations enqueued in a Transaction are executed serially, one at a time, until they all complete. If an operation fails during the execution of a transaction, the transaction stops and calls the handling block with the appropriate error.
//This transaction executes 2 write operations and then a read
SiblePeripheralTransaction *transaction = [[SiblePeripheralTransaction alloc] initWithPeripheral:peripheral];
[transaction enqueueWriteOperation:@"SERVICE1-UUID" CharacteristicUUID:@"CHAR1-UUID" Byte:0x01];
[transaction enqueueWriteOperation:@"SERVICE2-UUID" CharacteristicUUID:@"CHAR2-UUID" String:@"my data"];
SibleReadOperation *readOp = [transaction enqueueReadOperation:@"SERVICE3-UUID" CharacteristicUUID:@"CHAR3-UUID"];
[sible executeTransaction:transaction Handler:^(SibleTransaction *transaction, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Result: %@", readOp.readValue);
//This transaction executes 2 write operations and then a read.
//Each operation is executed against a different peripheral.
SibleTransaction *transaction = [[SibleTransaction alloc] init];
[transaction enqueueWriteOperation:peripheral1 ServiceUUID:@"SERVICE1-UUID" CharacteristicUUID:@"CHAR1-UUID" Byte:0x01];
[transaction enqueueWriteOperation:peripheral2 ServiceUUID:@"SERVICE2-UUID" CharacteristicUUID:@"CHAR2-UUID" String:@"my data"];
SibleReadOperation *readOp = [transaction enqueueReadOperation:peripheral3 ServiceUUID:@"SERVICE3-UUID" CharacteristicUUID:@"CHAR30UUID"];
[sible executeTransaction:transaction Handler:^(SibleTransaction *transaction, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Result: %@", readOp.readValue);