Telegram chat bot, which allows to participate in a Secret Santa event.
Also there is a maze minigame, where user controls elf in 20x20 maze.
The goal of the project was to test ChatGPT code writing skills. Yet there are some code corrections done by me. Almost all the code was written only by ChatGPT, which was prompted with questions like:
- write me a telegram bot which acts like a secret santa. Users can register and admin makes a present assignment
- we need to use a derangement permuation to assign secret santas for participants
- Write me a telegram bot where I can play in 2d maze. After each move I can see only 7x7 part of maze around me. Maze consists of walls, air and player. Depict them as emojis
- register in Secret Santaz 2022 event/assign
- admin command, use it to assign secret santa for each participant/maze
- play the maze