
scoop tab completion, work with powershell

Primary LanguagePowerShell



  • scoop
  • powershell (powershell github version not respect $env:PSModulePath)

install via scoop from GitHub:

# install
scoop install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liuzijing97/scoop-completion/master/bucket/scoop-completion.json

# auto update bucket
scoop bucket add scoop-completion https://github.com/liuzijing97/scoop-completion

# enable completion in current shell (pwsh not work, see below)
Import-Module scoop-completion

# enable auto-load, create profile if not exist
Add-Content -Path $Profile -Value "`nImport-Module scoop-completion"

#(powershell github version) not respect $env:PSModulePath

if (!(Test-Path -Path "$env:SCOOP")) { $env:SCOOP = "$env:USERPROFILE\scoop" }
Import-Module $env:SCOOP/modules/scoop-completion

Add-Content -Path $Profile -Value "`nImport-Module $env:SCOOP/modules/scoop-completion"

install from PSGallery(deprecated):

Install-Module -AllowClobber -Name scoop-completion -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module scoop-completion
Add-Content -Path $Profile -Value "`nImport-Module scoop-completion"


Type "scoop [something]" and press Tab key

zsh version was in util directory