NY Taxi Fare prediction interface


The interface uses 4 APIs:

These APIs require credentials and the following steps will guide you to get them and set the interface with.

Algolia Places Api

  • Go to Algolia and create an account and follow the steps to create your first application
  • Go to your dashboard then to the API Keys tab
  • Grab an Application ID and a Search-Only API Key then set them into the script.js
const algoliaPlacesApiAppId = 'YOUR_APPLICATION_ID';
const algoliaPlacesApiKey = 'YOUR_SEARCH_ONLY_API_KEY';

MapBox Maps and Directions APIs

  • Go to MapBox and create an account
  • Go to your Account and grab your Access Token then set it into the script.js
const mapboxApiToken = 'pk.eyJ1Ijoia3Jva3JvYiIsImEiOiJjam83MjVrbWkwbWNoM3FwN2VhMm81eGRzIn0.yM3wkq5LJd8NeSYyPyTY4w';

Local development

To check your setup, run the interface locally with serve. Then go to http://localhost:8000.

Deploy on GitHub Pages

Your app is ready to go live!

Create a new branch gh-pages:

git checkout -b gh-pages

Deploy your app on GitHub:

git push origin gh-pages

Your app will be visible shortly at https://YOUR_GITHUB_NICKNAME.github.io/taxi-fare-interface.