MeshPy Addon for Blender

# ***** Credits *****                                                    

# thanks to Andreas Klöckner for MeshPy

# thanks to scorpin81 (irc#pythonblender) for linux lib compiling

#     installation                                                         

-  copy      ----->      blender\#version\addons\
-  copy \modules\meshpy_OS  ----->      blender\#version\modules\   AND RENAME THE FOLDER TO meshpy

#    todo:                                                          

- voronoi: 
    -no its not in, but if you have delauney triangulation, 
    you can get voronoi by connecting the triangle's 
    outer circles midpoints together (at least in 2d)
   - New output of Voronoi diagrams. The Voronoi diagram is the geometric dual of the Delaunay triangulation.
    By using the '-v' option, the Voronoi diagram will be saved in files: 
    .v.node, .v.edge, .v.face, and .v.cell.
- For an example, the string '-q1.4q10' sets both a radius-edge ratio (<= 1.4) 
    and a minimum dihedral angle (>= 10 degree) as the tetrahedral shape quality measure
- set softbody to split meshes
    - set collision to splits?

- add tetra amount preview option (skip mesh calculations and just add tetra amount to gui)

- add splits to new group
- copy material from source object

- custom name for new tetras 
- human readable tooltips
- reset button resetting slider? separate reset for sliders?

    - check intersection in meshes with -d switch
    - o2 switch     
    (TetGen generates meshes with quadratic elements if the -o2 switch is specified. 
    Quadratic elements have ten nodes per element, rather than four. 
    The six extra nodes of a tetrahedron fall at the midpoints of its six edges)
    - C switch  to check the consistency of the mesh on finish.
    '-CC', TetGen also checks constrained Delaunay (for -p switch) or conforming Delaunay (for -q, -a, or -i) property for the mesh.
    - h switch for help output
- multiple intersecting meshes causes crash
- modifing a mesh crashes blender; find reason
- convert quality value to percentage, at the moment its inversed logic which is not user friendly

- monkey can not be generated, find reason
    Internal error in finddirectionsub():  Unable to find a subface leading from 73 to 97.
      Please report this bug to Include the message above, your input data set, and the exact command line you used to run this program, thank you.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "F:\BlenderSVN\cmake-blender\bin\Release\2.61\scripts\addons_contrib\", line 423, in execute
- mesh output files?
- cant hide vertices directly in edit mode which causes huge performance hit:(
    we have to switch back and forth to modes for every update.....

#     changelog                                                         
"version": (1, 0, 0)
    -turned into addon
    - removed double function callable
    - renamed some functions
    - added gui sliders 
    - added gui button to manually slice (can be removed if performance can slice in realtime)
    - sliders and slicing now works via interface
    - fixed minimum slice percentage from 1 to 0
    - removed slice planes (not improving visuals)
    - moved reset to bounding box calculations
    - scale and rotation getting applied on reset (create gui option for this, should be optional)
    - added options to apply scale and rotation to mesh before slicing
    - added second slicer to slice from 2 sides
    - added sliders for 2nd slicer
    - GUI recognizes if type is no mesh
    - added button to reset mesh to working condition
    - marked performance hogs
    - eliminated some performance hogs, cant get rid of switching form object to edit mode and back:(
    - added workaround for quad/tris array problem
    - removed tris convertion of mesh
    - new mesh is set to active
    - source mesh rotation will be applied to generated mesh
    - fixed origin problem if make active was False
    - naming cleanup
    - fixed reset button
    - generate tet now works out of edit mode

"version": (1, 0, 1)
    - option to generate each tetra as separate object
    - checkbox for split
    - added softbody option to splits
    - disabled softbody goal
    - increased push slightly so the tets dont collapse
    - added option to enable/disabel goal on softbody tets
"version": (1, 0, 2)
    - added option for game physics
    - code clean up
"version": (1, 0, 3)
    - replaced faces with polygons to make compatible with bmesh
    - check for faces to make it work in bmesh and release version
    - added warning message in addons that meshpy modules are required (might not even show when they are missing)

"version": (1, 0, 4)
    - removed old face check
"version": (1, 1, 0)
    - added linux module