Python Refresher Course

I'll be spending time reviewing Python fundamentals today


Functions are reusable code. When done right, you can write clean and maintainable code. Functions can return something so that it does something useful. Functions can also call other existing functions, but they can also have side-effects

method signature, arguments that are required when you use a function

tuples = sequence of immutable python obj. sequences like list, but unlike lists, tuples cannot be changed and denoted by parenthesis

classes are way to bundle behaviors and properties together. It’s a way to represent real-life information.

Class Example:

class Vegetable(object):
  def __init__(self, name, color, fresh): = name
    self.color = color
    self.fresh = fresh

carrot = Vegetable('carrot', 'orange', True)
  • We define a class called Vegetable who inherits from object. By default, classes run the __init__ method, which is a reserved word for a constructor
  • More about self & init


  • Data types (completed: 5/7)
  • Functions (completed: 5/7)
  • Classes (completed: 5/7)
  • Build a full-stack app (inprogress: 5/7)
    • flask
      • frontend
      • backend => api
  • nginx
  • unit testing
  • aws cloud
  • elastic search