
learning is fun

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Expo React Native App

The purpose of this repo is to learn how to launch mobile app using expo-cli.

Dev Instructions

  1. Currently using the stable node version node v10.16.0 (npm v6.9.0). If you're using v12.x this app will break so nvm use <stable node version>.
  2. If cloning for the first time, npm install all dependencies.
  3. cd into the root file and then run the the expo server via npm start. It's running on http://localhost:19002/ on my macOS mojave.
  4. The easiest way to launch this on a device is through the expo app. Make sure you have the expo app on your mobile device. If not, follow instructions for emulators https://docs.expo.io/versions/v33.0.0/workflow/up-and-running/
  5. If using expo on an ios phone, then take a photo of the QR code and it should launch a link to open the project on expo.

BTWS I have watchman so it hotloads when a change is made.