It should be 3 tabs and Navigation drawer with test data (10 items).
- Put dimens and text sizes into res folder.
- Use google code style !!!!!
- For first and second tab use recyclerview
- On list item click, open first task screen
- For third tab use listview
- When user scrolls list, floating action button should hide with animation
- Use styles
- Minimal SDK version = 16
- Only portrait orientation
- Put dimens and text sizes into res folder +
- Minimal SDK version = 16 +
- Only portrait orientation +
- For image loading use one of third party libraries + (Picasso)
- Support different screen sizes + different values folder with dimens.xml inside
- Use styles +
- Back button should close application + (onFinish() method inside onBackPressed()
- Ukrainian and English localization should be included. +
- When user presses any control, show toast with control name +
- Project should be pushed into / bitbucket +
- Use google code style + (I hope)
Also you should find UI mistakes, suggest how to solve it:
1) In progress TextView can be moved to blank space.
2) Main text can be highlighted instead of date text.
3) Some functionality can be placed into options menu. -
I also use ButterKnife library for data binding.