
An unofficial LaTeX class for writing theses at the Software Architecture Group, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, University of Potsdam, Germany.

Primary LanguageTeXLaTeX Project Public License v1.3cLPPL-1.3c


A LaTeX class for writing theses at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut, University of Potsdam, Germany. It has often been used at the Software Architecture Group.

This package consists of

  • The swathesis class
  • Supporting style files
  • The swth script for managing swathesis directories


Simply say

swth create

and after a few questions, you are rewarded with a nice thesis template.

You can easily compile and your LaTeX file with

swth go

or care for individual steps with

swth latex
swth bibtex
swth show

A swth managed bachelor’s thesis is meant to be multipart, and so you can add an additional author to it via

swth author

That are the simple cases. swth --help has more information.


Use the install script like

./install.sh [--help …]

or use


to generate a TDS compatible package for manual installation.


swathesis needs, among others,

See DEPENDS.txt for an exhaustive list of requires packages


├── README.md             — This file
├── LICENSE.txt           — The LPPL
├── DEPENDS.txt           — List of necessary packges
├── install.sh            — Installation helper
├── tdsify.sh             — Packaging helper
├── bin/swth.sh           — The manager script
├── contrib/              — Additional resources, templates for swth
├── swathesis.cls         — The class
├── swa-*.sty             — The style files
├── amd64masm.def         — listing languages
├── javascript.def
├── lua.def
├── smalltalk.def
├── title-hpi-swa.def     — uni-titlepage style
└── title-hpi-swa-phd.def — uni-titlepage style for PhD theses