
Turns a podcast rss feed into an m3u style playlist. By using the optional "delim" parameter you can output in a number of file formats (csv, pipe delimited, json etc.)

Primary LanguagePerlBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Podcast To Playlist

This is a Perl programme which parses podcast rss feeds and prints out a list of the media files published in that feed, in order of publication date. Output is in m3u format by default, but you can set command line options to get CSV, JSON, pipe-delimited etc.


You will need the following modules from CPAN (pr elsewhere) to use podcast2playlist:

  • LWP::UserAgent
  • XML::RSS::Parser
  • Date::Parse


Output an m3u from a podcast

podcast2playlist.pl user "you@email.example" url http://test.test/podcast.xml > playlist.m3u

Output an m3u from a local podcast file

podcast2playlist.pl url localfile.xml > playlist.m3u

Output a CSV from a podcast

podcast2playlist.pl user "you@email.example" url http://test.test/podcast.xml delim "," > playlist.csv

Output a single (most recent) item from a podcast

podcast2playlist.pl user "you@email.example" url http://test.test/podcast.xml limit 1 > single-item-playlist.m3u

Output the 5 most recent items from a podcast as a playlist in JSON

podcast2playlist.pl user "you@email.example" url http://test.test/podcast.xml limit 5 delim '","url":"' output_start '[{"url":"' output_end '"}]'  > playlist.json


Playlists are sorted by date, newest item first. Other sorting methods will appear some time when I can be bothered.